
Ah it is worth it. I just thought it wasn’t as good as Breaking Bad but not many are.

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Yeah, in fairness very little shows are. Seasons 3-5 in BB are as good as you’ll find anywhere.

As I posted on another thread I have started watching The Sorpranos. For me, if it continues as good as it has been, it will be superior to Breaking Bad. And of course there wouldn’t be a Breaking Bad without The Sorpranos anyway.


BB peaked in Series 2 when Walt meets the wife of his old business partner and gives the “You cut me out” speech that climaxes with Brian Cranston’s gravelly “Fuck You.” Seris 5 of BB is complete bollocks. At that stage they’d caved completely to fan demands, just giving people what they want. It was a cop out. The fans ruined it. The end of series 4 where they kill Gus was good I thought.

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Probably the best scene in all of it.

I wouldn’t be so harsh on Season 5. It introduced Todd, one of the best characters in all it. Too many big theatric scenes though for me.

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Season 4 is good — I watched it (the whole thing) back recently and it was better than I thought. I always think BB is a little over hyped but on second viewing it is certainly up there as a top show , but just a little off the very top.

What a psycho of a character - launched some career for him.

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I havent seen BB in years, is Todd the weird young neo-nazi guy who falls in love with that bitch woman?

If so he’s a great actor and there’s a good movie on Netflix with him as a gay guy who comes home to his small town because his mother’s dying. It’s a slightly arty comedy-drama, worth watching.

The scene where he brings ice-cream to Jesse while in his jail for successfully cooking the meth Is superb.

Earlier he kills a child in cold blood.

Not so much love but a childlike crush.

All I’ve seen of BCS is series 1 but series 1 of BCS is better than series 1 of BB. I just don’t like the idea of knowing how all the characters in BCS eventually end up.

The family scenes with Walt were tedious. Same with Saul and his brother. Fillers.


Looking back I thought the character of Hank was a bit all over the place. A happy go lucky wise cracking cop who was a bit of a loser in ways turns into a proper hard nosed cop determined to bring down the bad guys. I know he had traumatic events occur to him but I never believed the transition.

Skylar is a bit dull, she seems to have no life or ambition outside of supporting Walt and the kid.

Re: Hank now you mention it, it’s a bit mad how Hank thinks it would be cool to take Walt out in the back of the police car to watch a big drugs bust. Walt going into the house with his guns and his bullet-proof jacket and Walt just sitting in the back beaming. That’s how Walt first sees Jessie, Jessie climbs out the window.

They would put years on you. Or those lingering shots of the fucking desert.


Walt was utterly fantastic though. Jesse very good also. And Mike. And Todd.

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Breaking Bad season 1 and 5 are weak enough. But 2,3 &4 are excellent. I never got the point of the disabled son. But the transformation of both Jesse and Walt over the 5 series is excellent

I enjoyed the Sopranos but probably left it too long to watch as i went into it with sky high expectations and while i enjoyed it I don;t think it quite got there. The depth in which it goes into Tony as a character is fascinating though.

The Wire for me is still the ultimate and best series, the sheer breathe of it and how it pulls all the threads together in meticulous fashion with a great mixture of characters, dialogue, black humour and emotion really is unbelievable.

I have raved about Mr Robot on here and I think it is a superb show as as good as Breaking Bad. It strikes a nice mix between the depth in which we get to see into the world of the main character Elliott and he mental issues and there is also a lot of moving parts with E-Corp, Mr Robot, The Dark Army, Washington Township etc which are excellently done. Rami Malik’s performances in it are every bit as good if not better than Cranston or Gandolfini in their lead roles.

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Season 5 fucked the wire.

An awful let down

A word too for Hector Salamanca in Better Call Saul mainly.

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Yeah, I think Breaking Bad really goes to a different level when the likes of Saul, Mike and Gustavo come into it.

While the likes of Tuco is an intense psychopath, he is almost a caricature. While so is Mike he added a great bit of comic relief while the other two are brilliant characters.

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