
Yeah, itā€™s a bit violent but thereā€™s a latent sadness attached to it as well. ā€œArmyā€™sā€ lifestyle wonā€™t win many Dad of the month awards and the crowd heā€™s mixed up with would remind you of some of the families that get mentioned here for nefarious activities. I enjoyed it.

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That episode of Better Call Saul with Mike and Jimmy trekking through the desert is unreal television


Sensational. That series is excellent.

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Meh. 6/10

Queens Gambit is absolutely brilliant


Just finished it. A thing of beauty


Her outfits were beautiful towards the end.

Da fuck

They were.

A great looking girl- the fags, booze and tranquilizers didnā€™t take a thing out of her.

What did you make of the return to the school and the photo?

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I loved it, but Iā€™m a sucker for that. I loved her mate from the start.
I thought the whole thing was great.

Her mate had the best line in the show ā€œfuckā€™em if they cant take a jokeā€

She was emotional about the photo, unemotional at the funeral, praised him to the press in russia, didnā€™t give him his 10 dollars and asked her friend what a cocksucker was, and the photo was a bit haunting

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Well a half a gallon of some random brain altering pills will do that to a girl.
That was the whole point though, she was superficially controlled, yet in deep turmoil.
I hope they donā€™t make another series for a good while, theyā€™d spoil it.
I thought it quite realistic. We all have people who deeply helped us grow and benefitted us. We all have had great intentions to stay in touch etc, but life moves on. My guess is that she just had to put that part of her life behind her as best she could, and the baby had to go out with the bathwater.

Agreed, but I think there are metaphors, scenes etc that arenā€™t meant to make sense at first. The affection she has for her mother who obviously uses her, is one, the scene where the mother puts the journalist out is another. At first glance it seems the right thing to do but the journalist was probably right and the whole affair was probably a textbook example in many ways. The mother was just blocking off a move or an escape.

The mother and her developed a far more even relationship as things went on, and it was a loving and symbiotic thing by the end. The mother was a grand lady.

I see Suburra season three is up.

Halfway through it. Getting a bit out there now.

Is the gippo in good form?

Yep features heavily. Cignaliaā€™s character from season one is unrecognisable though. Big leap.

And his wife?

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