
Ya needed a few more explosions and car chases


It needed yer man Borgov to pull out @TheUlteriorMotive’s chessboard at the end.

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Prestige is a top class show.

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Da 5 Bloods is not very good. Watched half and gave up

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brilliant show. a film i watch whenever i chance upon it on the telly

Mosul is one of the most extraordinarily brilliant films I have ever seen.
Should get every Oscar going imho.
Please watch it.


Saw 10 cloverfoeld Lane in the cinema. Great screen writing

The follow up was a wee bit disappointing

The Netflix only one? Fucking shocking altogether

What’s it about, mate?

It’s a stunning film set in Mosul in the dog days of daesh.
Trust me it is riveting, shocking and brilliant in equal measure. One of the best films I’ve seen ever.


Borgov is a legend. He’s the Ivan Drago of the series just a lot cooler and even more unflappable

100% +1
a fantastic film

@habanerocat Ethos on Netflix is a blackly funny slow burner. Written by Roddy Doyle’s long lost Turkish brother. Worth persevering with.

I’ll give it a go, thanks. Hard to keep up with all this stuff. I’ve Caliphate lined up. Lots of middle eastern stuff around at the moment.

Would it be suitable viewing for the wives?

This isn’t anything terrorist related. Watch Mosul though. Trust me.

Watched this yesterday,a fantastic film.

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