
The Strauss Kahn doc would be much more up your street I reckon

Itā€™s beautiful.

Everyone should watch it with their children.

What is the first one called?

I thought mosul was a very average film. Dont get the hype.

The Life Ahead with Sophia Lauren is a nice film ā€¦directed by her son I think .

Angelaā€™s Christmas

No, still think it is absolutely brilliant. The row between the two lads says it all really.

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The sequel is superior. The McCourts doing their bit for Limerick again.

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Itā€™s truly magnificent, ā€œ keep a place in your heart for me ā€œ.
My little woman is singing it the whole time :heart_eyes:

My little ones new favourite car song :heart_eyes:

Baywatch is on Prime.


My grandfatherā€™s toy shop saved Christmas.

It did :heart:

The Midnight Sky with Clooney it is

What street was that in again?

Iā€™ll give this a dig tomorrow Iā€™d say.
Iā€™m knocking the spirits on the head and going to the nice side of the wine rack.

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I watched Mosul, pal.

Very good.



Iā€™m giving it a go here. I didnā€™t bother searching for a review because George is a tedious smug woke prick so the meedja wonā€™t say anything bad about him.
Seems poor