
This time next year Iā€™ll be a chess grand master

The way

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ā€˜The distinguished citizenā€™ - about a decorated writer returning to his home town in back arse of Argentina after years awayā€¦ I think youā€™ll like the small town politics of it

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Feck havenā€™t a baldies about that, Mr Google time

My brother in Thailand is Buddhist last 7/8 yrs, he wasnā€™t much of a Christian, drank like fuck, hashed his weekends away, was a tool maker, gave it up now teaching in :thailand:, heā€™s changed his ways no booze etc, married a Thai lady much older but either she or Buddhism changed him for the better was a selfish cunt here (youngest)



I went on to after it. Some Italian cunt made a right fucking fool of me, he let me have his queen and all. Next thing, bang, right in the kisser. Never saw it coming, thought the cunt had resigned but he had me in checkmate. Havenā€™t been back since.


@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy 1
@mikehunt 0


Went on there now. War of attrition. I was playing for a draw from way out. Clock seemed to collapse
On me and lost by six seconds.

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I did the same and got beaten all ends up after about 15 moves.

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I know what way the pieces move and thatā€™s about it.

I was playing there recently enough, think I saw the site here and some Ukraine fella just logged off when I was kicking the shit outta him.

I was getting destroyed myself then in another game and I stayed to the bitter end out of respect.

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How many games in before you see the board on the ceiling?

My first win


Whatā€™s yer rating lads? Weā€™ll have to do a TFK tournament. Might be the saddest sentence Iā€™ve ever typed.
I was up to 600 there but slipping back again. I resolved two years to learn how to play chess, but lasted about an hour before I gave up. Iā€™m back at it again since the new year, itā€™s my New Years resolution to be passable at it.
If I could concentrate for 20 minutes Iā€™d be dangerous.

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How are you scoredā€¦ Beating other players and on a per level basis?

You start off at six hundred while they see are you any good, I reckon itā€™s about middle beginner, then you play people around your score and you get plus and minus points on your score based on their score vs yours.


Give me a week and Iā€™ll bate you all.

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