
According to the queens gambit you play ten tournament matches and wait four months

Thereā€™s lads here can play 3D chess


My 7 year old daughter taught me how to play about 6 months ago. She learned in school. After about three weeks of her beating me I got an app on my phone and learned some tactics and she hasnā€™t won a game sinceā€¦ A good life lesson for herā€¦

Iā€™d never ever played before in my lifeā€¦ Its not actually half as complicated to play as I thought


My two taught me as well. Good craic doing winner stays on with them. Most dust it off, been a while

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I started at 1200 two hours ago. Iā€™m back to 950 now

In my game analysis my last book move is usually my first pawn move.

Heavy metal chess. Iā€™m pressing lads all over the board.

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Give me a week and Iā€™ll bate her.

Iā€™d rather just skin up mate.

Same. Best I ever did against the chess built into the old laptop was a draw.
The ai was at level zero :laughing:

You seem to have two queens there ?

I was wondering about that

Yeah if you get a pawn to other side you can exchange for any piece

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Can you get two queens then? I thought you had to take something back thatā€™d already been captured.


What? Is that a legit rule ?

No wonder he wonā€¦ He was playing a snakes and ladder version

So did i

Promotion of a pawn is a rule of chess.

Promotion in chess is a rule that requires a pawn that reaches the eighth rank to be replaced by the playerā€™s choice of a bishop, knight, rook, or queen of the same color.[1] The piece chosen cannot be another king nor another pawn. The new piece replaces the pawn on its square on the same move. The choice of the new piece is not limited to pieces previously captured, thus promotion can result in a player owning, for example, two or more queens despite starting the game with one.[2]

Chess set with extra black and white queens for promotion, 35th Chess Olympiad

Pawn promotion, or the threat of it, often decides the result in an endgame.

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Just took down some Pole

Iā€™m playing the ten minute games so itā€™s fast

Getting hang of it now. France have fallen


I worked for ANZ bank in London years ago. The Finance Director asked if anyone had ever played chess. I said I played in school 15 years prior. He said ā€˜youā€™ll doā€™. I played in the City of London chess league with ANZ for one game. They just needed a 4th man. The others on our team - one had played on the world chess tour, one was UK U25 champion and the other was London U21 champion. We won 3 and a half to a half. I bored my opponent into a draw!!!


chess is out of our league when you come up against lads who are well ahead of you. cards is better, you have a chance to beat those guys in hearts, 45, 110, and god forbid big don