
How did they not call the horse bullseye

Thought Lewis moody was great as the little girl with Hanksā€¦

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Eve Hewson starring in new Netflix series Behind Her Eyes.

Interesting as the book was brilliant but not sure how it will translate to TV.

Looks like she hasnā€™t that big a part, but thanks, will give it a shot.

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Having read the (not great, sorry @TheUlteriorMotive) book, Iā€™d say she has the main part, not the most screen time probably but definitely the most interesting character.

No need to be sorry - itā€™s all subjective. I listened to it on audible.

Yeah sheā€™s main character alright.

Without crossing streams have you read The First Fifteen lives of Harry August

Yea, IMDB says sheā€™s only in one episode, but wiki has her in the top three characters so Iā€™d say youā€™re correct.

I had to Google her ā€¦ Bonoā€™s daughter is an actress. The talent is endless it seems.

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Did you never watch The Knick. Great show.

I didnā€™tā€¦ I take it sheā€™s in it? What do his other kids do?

One of the sons is in a band as youā€™d expect.

Yeah sheā€™s in it with Clive Owen - NY hospital
Turn of 19th and 20 century pioneering medical treatments.

She was also in ā€œEnough Saidā€ with James Galdonfini, great movie.

Sheā€™s no Rex Ryan, thatā€™s for sure.


The hottest property to hit the acting scene this decade as Barry Egan once said.

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Barry Egan was a wonderful WUM.

Heā€™d have lads hopping like sausages in the pan as they ate sausages in the parents house on a Sunday morning.



I gave Fargo a whirl. Netflix brought me to Series 3 straight away. Bit slow at the start but soon forgotten once it got going. The English bloke was very good but the ladies stole the show I thought, the two cops and Rayā€™s woman. I noticed after that first two series are there too and that they are supposed to be better.

I watched that Crime Scene Cecil Hotel thing and thought it was absolutely shite in the main (I lasted MOST of the first episode).

However, seeing them two tourists stay in downtown LA and discover that it is among the biggest shit-holes on earth really resonated with me.

I watched it, did you even get on to second episode no?

No I did not

Yeah probably better off, last episode was utter shit. Debunked all the theories handily enough about what may have happened.