
I was wondering what happened that show… Was he up to no good?

Watched two episodes tonight. Second one was very sad but well made

Yeah. He took a break for a while but denied any real wrongdoing from what I can recall.

I’ll watch it with the Mrs at the weekend :+1:

He hadn’t done much wrong other than be a bit of a cunt if I recall correctly. Twas a harsh enough cancellation

Is he still banging out the pasta?

Season 3 of The Kominsky Method up :clap::clap:

Finished it last night. Quite the tone change from the other two series. Aside from Denise and a couple of cameos from Dev it is unrecognisable from previous MON.

Still very well made, wouldn’t say it’s enjoyable but I liked it.

I thought it was awful shite in comparison to first two seasons.

It was slow and methodical compared to the witty and zingy first two series. Very like laugh out loud moments, gone were there fun filled late 20s and early 30s and now shit is real. It was a true to life depiction of a couple in their late 30s and it was fairly raw. It could easily just have been it’s own standalone show as opposed to linked to master of none as there was very little linking it to the first two series.

I enjoyed it. Well made - real life. I miss Dev’s pasta but it’s still quirky in its own way.

If they put it up as a stand alone show, they would have lost 50% of viewers in the first 5-8 minutes of season 3 episode 1. It improved marginally from there imo

Does you not like the lazer beams?



OMFG I knew this would happen when we saw him in that Vietnam Camp :heart_eyes:

That was a lovely little double bluff in itself as to which lad was Silver.

The ponytail was a lovely fake out

I predict Silver is gonna be Miguel’s father.

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Cman, it was a very droll sequence of scenes.

Lookit - when your life revolves around a toddler climbing and shitting, a dog puking on the carpet and a cat meowing at all hours to get in/out — This was relatively light viewing.


Next door have an automatic cat flap.