
However, Jenna Coleman is very attractive

She is, but she makes me squirm in that :grimacing::grimacing:

We were watching first episode of S2 yesterday. I wasnā€™t sure it was the same guy initially

Watched a few episodes of Son of Sam there. Not sure what to make of it to be honest.

You watch it? Verdict?

No. I havenā€™t got around to it yet. Mrs Barnes insisted on watching The Affair. Very average and Dominic West is a shit actor.

That Maury Terry lad had some ego.

Yes he seemed to have. Iā€™d say Berkowitz led him up and down the garden path.

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Got a bit bored of the Escobar Narcos, not sure I even finished it. Gave the Mexico one a wide berth but started it last Thursday I think, finished Season 1 last night. Great stuff but a bit confused how he snatched victory from what seems like certain defeat. A fucking army with him for the Cartel meeting was a bit Lord of the Rings.

Fear City New York and the Mafia is worth a watch.

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That the one where they were bugging one of the Dons televisions and car heater? Some craic.

It is.

@myboyblue @cluaindiuic Jupiterā€™s legacy. What ye reckon. Iā€™m three episodes in and iā€™ll watch a few more. Not the worst, but nothing spectacular either at the same time

Havenā€™t gone near it yet.

Watched the first season of ā€œstartupā€ over the last few days. Slow burner, but I would recommend it. Enjoyable, will give season 2 a watch for sure soon.

7.5/10 for me.


I watched the three or so series, it is very enjoyable I thought

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On episode 3 nowā€¦ Hopefully itā€™s building to something good.

Definitely one of the better shows Iā€™ve seen on Netflix recently.

Season three out now. Starting it tonight

Supposed to be quite different to the previous 2, especially as he is no longer the main star. Iā€™d say he still is feeling the effects of that metoo scandal, although I think his name was fairly cleared in the end.

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