
Yeah, itā€™s impossible to sell to someone, itā€™s a real hipsters choice. The intensity of season 2 is off the charts, pure art. I have the whole lot on Blu Ray and watch it every year or so, incredible show. So good that despite the bad viewership HBO granted a third season just to round off the story

Out of context but this scene is top tier,

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I loved that as a show it didnā€™t really try to explain what had happened. Just the various ways people coped or didnā€™t cope with it.
Most of these shows they try to wrap it all up and itā€™s about finding out what happened etc and the main characters and storylines are about that search for solutions.
But its just like. Mad shit happened. No one can makes sense of it. Everyoneā€™s fucked up


Yeah, did she get in the machine?

Just finished The Chesnut Man there.

A decent show.


Any good films on Netflix?

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective


The Prestige

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Is that ā€œThe Shawshank Redemptionā€ for millenials?

Guilty-ancient one here

Save a few episode for ya

Watching 95 episodes of emmerdale is what I imagine hell to be like !!


:blush::blush::blush::clap::clap:one manā€™s meatā€”ā€”-
I love it and am saving it for a binge jobbie


Itā€™ll be 120 plus by Christmas :muscle:

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I donā€™t know what to make if ya :joy::joy:


I donā€™t either :roll_eyes::blush::blush:

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My poor late mother had an awful time from 13 yrs on

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Very true.
My perverse pleasure is Iā€™d watch any sport playing on the tv, drives the missus mad. I was even watching womenā€™s cricket at like 1am during the height of the last lockdown :tired_face:


Oh God cricket :cricket_bat_and_ball: nahhhh anything else though- weā€™re the same my kid and I any sport- no woman in the house so no problem :blush:
( no wonder Iā€™m single no woman would put up with us )

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Started watching this the other night with the Mrs (a good one to watch with the women folk). Quirky little show. Apparently they only did the one season though. Got cancelled as season 2 was scheduled for 2020 and then Covid came along.