
Any of them Harlan Coben shows fit the bill

Anyone watched this comedy about Coach Payton? @johnnysachs @Mac I’m going in with an open mind.

I did. Harmless way to pass 90 mins.

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I didn’t enjoy it at all

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Good ol craic.

If a show isn’t cutting the mustard I just drop it. Even if it’s one where I liked the previous season. Life is too short to be spending hours watching good TV shows, never mind shit ones.


The latest season of Ozarks was like that,it was so bad I had to finish it.Brutal.

Making a murderer. I am still bitter to this day I watched 10 episodes. I know I shouldn’t but I lose the rag when someone recommend ot or a show “like making a murderer”. I’ve a short choreographed rant prepared and everything. I haven’t performed since the beginning of covid and maybe more zen now. We will see.

Give us a flavour of it there. Does it have a dance element to it ?

That’s the classic example of a decent series that Netflix dragged the arse out of. Tiger King another example.

Mayor of Kingstown. I thought the first episode was great. After episode three or four I thought it was getting too far fetched. By episode six I thought it was absolute shite but kept going. Then by episode ten it was indescribably bad.

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I’m zen now. Go up through this thread and you may find it. Almost 10 hours waiting for something to happen. I don’t trust recommendations from people no more.

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Agree the first tiger Kong was excellent the second was milking it

Start Up, and Kingdom, gave too much time to both, and both were shite

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The new series of Start Up dropped recently. I knew it wouldn’t be worth it but still felt compelled to watch it

I watched the first 5 minutes of the first episode ‘Get me immunity or die’. Turned it off.

Absolute rubbish.

Fantastic. Simon is a scumbag but also some operator. @Tassotti would enjoy.

I see he managed to skip the queue to get a vaccine early in Israel last year too.

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Someone pretending to be loaded, chasing women and now an amateur medic to boot.

Meets all the minimum requirements to have a successful tfk posting career


He needed the vaccine to travel.