
Fuckin hell, this is awful :confounded:

What’s the story with this? Is it just the 7 episodes?

Movie. Just watched Irish slave girl get raped for a second time whilst her fella watches. Then they fucked their baby to the ground whilst shooting fella in the head. Fairly heavy stuff.

Thanks mate that sounds lovely but I was asking Mac about Better Call Saul.


Second half of season starts 11 July

Haha, shit, sorry.

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Finished up the latest season there last night. The writers really lean into the ridiculousness of it at this stage. Johnny is some boy. Sensei Silver is going to be a problem though.

Season 4 of Stranger Things done and dusted, outstanding.

Great show. Bit disappointed they left it so open though. Thought we’d have a wrap up.

If they surpass or even equal this season it will be some feat, can’t see them doing it after losing a few big players already that raised the bar.

DB Cooper doc on Netflix

The usual overly long doc series that they do.

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I watched the first three episodes earlier in the week and it’s fairly shit IMO, they’ve focused around one suspect who most people agree wasn’t DB Cooper. Not sure if the fourth episode will be any better or more illuminating.

Did they find him?

Where have you been of late - Bill Cooper, hurled for Cork recently.

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Dan Cooper was his name. The name he bought the plane ticket with.

Was more around the oddballs trying to find him than the suspects themselves in the end.

course not

This new Woodstock 99 doc should be good.

Just watched Barbaric Genius on Netflix. About John Healy, wino, chess champion, boxer who became a bestselling author with his book The Grass Arena. Then lost it all again. Fascinating story.

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