
Yeah, didn’t finish it. Was just the same thing each episode

Sounds horrendous

The should swap in Francis from Malcolm in the middle, Eric’s sister is dead as well I think? Meth or heroin addict

“What kind of asshole moves a cone?” :laughing:


That fucking tan :joy:

Ozark not as good without Darlene.


Just finished clickbait. Would recommend it to a friend has bits of everything in it.

And what about to us?

It went ridiculous a long time ago.


The ending was obvious from a long way out.

The whole trying to get one over of Howard storyline in Better Call Saul is painful


S4 of ozark is out fucking rageous.


I watched the first two episodes of the new season earlier and I was thinking the very same.

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Season three was a bucket of shit too I fought my way through it over the course of months and at the end drew a line under it. The first season was good that was it.

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They have been phoning it in. Was waiting for yer man Navarro to whip out a shark and Marty to jump over it.

The fourth season of Borgen arrived on Netflix today. I grabbed a couple of episodes early on this morning. It’s OK but not addictive.

Sat down now to watch this week’s episode of Better Call Saul - ffs sake :roll_eyes:

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Stranger things released in 2 blocks the cunts. This is not the model i signed up for

Nightingale, movie about Irish immigrants in penal colony in Tasmania in 1800’s. British soldiers raping and so on. Hard watch in first 20 mins anyway…