
Have the first episode put away, will watch the second later in the week. A fascinating watch, an absolutely crazy setup of a town, mad as a bag of cut snakes.

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Itā€™s very good. I was in Aust an hour from sunshine coast where that kid got taken from. The detective work is incredible, absolutely incredible

A town of utter utter cunts, each of them including Paddy! Documentary maker does brilliantly teasing the cunt out of each and every individual.


Reptile with Benecio Del Toro has average enough ratings but I thought it was great fare. Brilliant finish to it. 7.75/10 verging on 8.

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Enjoyed this.

Till Murder Do Us Part: Soering vs. Haysom: Who Is Jens Soering? - Netflix Tudum.

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Was thinking of giving this a look. Thereā€™s so many true crime things on Netflix, often with an overweight slightly smelly looking American ex cop making himself look heroic for fairly basic police work, that itā€™s hard to sort the wheat.

Actually they make shite of the botched police investigation

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The Long Shadow which finished up on ITV last night is very good.

I wonā€™t tell ye what itā€™s about because if ye knew ye might not watch it.

Just plough straight in without looking.

Very good show to be fair. Maybe overdid it with the atmospheric soundtrack but BDT was excellent. Didnā€™t realise that was Alicia Silverstone until the end.

I was trying to work out the final wax scene before i gave up and googled it. That was massively anticlimactic after the scenarios i was conjuring up in my mind.

It;s ratings have been very poor. think it was about 55/100 on imdb or rotten tomatoes which originally put me off watching it. its only that a pal said was decent that i threw it on

It seems that for most of those type of cases, as long as they have someone sitting in the electric chair they feel itā€™s job done.

Started Bodies, the hospital one. Chap who did Line of Duty did this beforehand. Gets great reviews but each episode feels like a 3 hour film even though itā€™s only an hour long. Had to check was I imagining it.

A death of a thousand cutsā€¦

Started well and just got sloppier and more stupid I thought. Tried to make it to the end and gave up 20 mins into last episode.

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I got 20 mins in and thought it was a pile of shite.

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Iā€™ve just finished Season 1. It plays out more like a soap than an espionage thriller.
I donā€™t know if I should keep going. Lots of over-acting and looking back, 12 hours seem a lot of time for what happened.

Keep with it.


The Killer with Fassbender out today

And the lovely Tilda Swinton.

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Enjoyed it.

Top Boy init, watch Top Boy Summerhouse first fam