
Started this tonight. Really good

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Poor Rebecca loos doesn’t even get a mention, instead we’re told about the stress this incident caused on their marriage . Who would have thought! Didn’t like the comments towards Hoddle either , becks could have taken more responsibility for getting sent off

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I watched that but to be honest can’t remember much about it.
Not a good sign…

Was a good few years ago.

Zombies were never my thing…

Old Dads is funny. It’s basically a biopic


Bill Burr in situations that make him angry, its a formula that works well

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I watched mother with jlo last night. Completely formulaic but better than expected.

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You’re so drunk with the wife away that you’re mixing up Jennifer Lawrence and Jennifer Lopez.

I don’t think so. Think it’s Jennifer Lopez.

By God!

I still just about win on a technicality.

It’s the second one. It’s formulaic but better than the rating.

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Watched The Stranger there on Netflix. Now, with apologies to @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy, I’d usually give Aussie made movies a wide berth but this was decent

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Getting to that age boy?:smile::smile:

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I’m there pops


That’s what my kid in oz and my youngest calls me pops,
Kids are fab
Despite my youngest being near 21
Still kids to me,
Going and coming back to and from Dalymount yesterday
We chatted and argued( nicely )
All the way ,
And sang a few songs together
My youngest and I hug
And tell each other “ I love you” in every conversation,
WTF is life all about otherwise
He started the Pops craic a few years back
Tbh I like it
Tried a few times to call me by my Christian name
Soon put a stop :raised_hand: to that
And this Friday we will have tbe pleasure of each others company going up to Tallaght
To see if we can survive v Waterford


This is a great place
Night chaps


Great watch.


Watching it here now - grand Oul watch


Apparently the inspiration for the school principal character was tfk’s beige brigade