New Newstalk line up

At least that weasel Sarah Carey is being shunted out.


Delighted that snowflake Chris was moved. Was sick of listening to him and his goodie goodie two shoes attitude.

Is tom Dunne the only newstalk "personality @ not to have done the drive time slot now? Sarah Mc was very easy on the ear…/

These people are utterly beyond comical . Sarah McInerney like the vast majority of Dublin media is dispensable and easily replaceable .

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If she was any good more people would have listened to her and she would have kept the slot. There’s a lack of talented female broadcasters that appeal to listeners. That’s the problem, not some boys’ club conspiracy.


There was recently much lamenting recently when the RTE salaries came out on one of Today FM or Newstalk by a few talking heads, about what will happen when Marian Finucane retires and how she needs to be replaced by a woman. Lets get the raspy voiced chain smoker off the air first, off the books, and then worry about who replaces her. Jesus shes gonna keel over on air one of these days.

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That is the bottom line . To all the women who think there is some old boys club conspiring against them there is two words “Marian Finnucane” .

She’s from Galway


Followed by Miriam O’Callaghan

She isn’t any good. She was only there in the first place because she looks like a dolly bird.
She will end up back in print where she came from.

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A bumbling idiot is what she is.

Yeah I only heard her a handful of times. Didn’t think she was a natural broadcaster at all.

She might be a half decent contributor but that’s totally different to hosting a prime time show. Newstalk often think contributors will make good broadcasters. They might learn someday this tactic doesn’t often work out

Ivan Yates is an alright sort as protestant Wexicans go.

Be nice to have him back.

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He is a money grabbing prick


Fully agree, but they all are mate.


First world problems all told .

Ivan Yates tends to say it as it is,

That fucking prick Donoghue was too left wing…something had to give.

The Oirish are obsessed about their radio presenters

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