New Newstalk line up

Bertie Ahern and John Bruton coming up after the break with Ivan to discuss brexit. What a collection of cunts.

A D’Arcy of cunts


Listening to Pat Kenny talking about Compulsory Purchase Orders with an expert. I thought auld Pat would be an expert on land grabs


I hope he’s not badgering the CPO expert

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Well he was asking about getting the land back if it wasnt used for the reason of the CPO. :grinning:

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Them in the leafy suburbs will need to talk to farmers about CPO .

Praise the Lord!


Bit of a bromance going on here with Coleman and some chap called Cuddihy whose voice I recognise from sports coverage

Cuddihy does a show on Sunday and subs in a bit. Not sure Iv ever heard him on OTB. Hes not bad

There’s a serious snowflakisation of Newstalk going on at the minute.

They’ve taken the George Hook issue very badly

Your man Coleman is just one giant meh from me. He isn’t anything really.

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Hes a pain in the hole


As a rubby die hard, we’ll take your word on that.

He’s a poor mans Chris Donoghue

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That’s some insult

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Kieran. He’s the son of former Kilkenny hurling doctor Bill Cuddihy.

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That’s harsh. The worst insult in broadcasting

At least Donoghue knew he was a snowflake, Coleman is nothing.

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that cuddihy is an insufferable arshole.

its like newstalk hatched and nurtured their very own snowflake and this little prick is the result. at least that chris donoghue had a bit of a spark in him, a bit of uppity aggression, in fairness to him now and youd respect him for that at least.
newstalk is a completer disaster now apart from yatesy and he wont last long id say

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