New to FreeKick

Hi all,

I’m new here, and new to the forum - I’ve been recommended by a mass spamming to my company, and I’m bored shitless so fuck it, I’m in.

Whats with in here - according to some of the posts, you all seem to be sitting in one fucking room? How many users are on these forums? 51 is the all time max - is this new?


Everyone’s a bit sidetracked on the idiot of the year competition that’s going on. Take a look at the threads to do with it and you’ll get a good idea of the place.


Bandage will be along with a few questions for you.

Wetdog, what are your views on Tagrugby, Spinning Classes and Shamrock Rovers?

Wetdog, what is a mongoloid?

WetDog, if you were to take me on a date, where would you bring me and why?

Is Brendan O 'Connor the biggest cunt in Ireland or was Gerry Ryan hard done by?

Flano’s traditional welcome is sadly absent from this thread.

[quote=“WetDog”]Hi all,

I’m new here, and new to the forum - I’ve been recommended by a mass spamming to my company, and I’m bored shitless so fuck it, I’m in.

Whats with in here - according to some of the posts, you all seem to be sitting in one fucking room? How many users are on these forums? 51 is the all time max - is this new?


Did that “mass spamming” mention An Fear Rua at all?

flanos distracted whipping the alliance.

Too much shit to be dealing with greeting all these alias usernames that the mulliance are creating.

Here Wetdog, are you an alright sort?

New here my self. Tis an interesting little E-hub.

Welcome Bean - sorry that I called Paul O’Connell boring.

If you spotted Trevor Deely, what would you do first?

[quote=“Bandage”]Welcome Bean - sorry that I called Paul O’Connell boring.

If you spotted Trevor Deely, what would you do first?[/quote]

Apology accepted.

Seeing as i would most likely be at the bottom of the canal, swim.

Howya Bean, Heinz or Batchelor?

[quote=“Bean”]Apology accepted.

Seeing as i would most likely be at the bottom of the canal, swim.[/quote]

FFS 8 posts and you come out with something like that. Are you trying to get the place closed down.

Fuck sake Bean

Tag Rugby - gay
Spinning Classes - Ubergay
Shamrock Rovers - you see the trend here…

[quote=“WetDog”]Tag Rugby - gay
Spinning Classes - Ubergay
Shamrock Rovers - you see the trend here…[/quote]

wetdog, how would you have voted in the cunt of the year vote, given the chance?

how will you vote in the ioty vote, now that you have the chance?

The term “Mongoloid” is a racial category used to describe people of East Asian origin. Its use originated from a variation of the word “Mongol”, a people who are considered one of the main proto-populations for the race. The classification is primarily useful when studying human prehistory, and in forensic analysis of human remains, in which “Mongoloid” denotes a particular racial skull type.

If you are male, hang your head in shame - or perhaps hang it in the boiler-room toilets, the chandeliers love it.