New to FreeKick

Interesting definition. On what basis would a Dublin knack use this phrase?

At least Gerry Ryan ate killed and ate an animal (a lamb?) when he was stuck on that shitty little island all those years ago…at least he has some measure of bollix and can actually be amusing sometimes with this almost sad, misguided impression of himself that he is still a college boy rascal. I’d say his kids will be embarrassed by him in ways we can only imagine.

Brendan is a fucking idiot, only becoming noticeably famous for non-Irish Times readers through fucking Eur-A-Star or whatever its called. Former Comedian? Has he ever been funny?

Definitely Brendan O’Connor, though its a good match-up.

Gerry didnt in fact kill that sheep, “Lambo” was all a myth. Therefore he lied to us, making him an even bigger cunt.


Mongo = downer in my experience with Dublin Knackers.

Tell us more about the mass spamming

No way, I saw it on Rolling back the years a while ago. The only reason to watch it is for the music, Old-school Ireland is generally cringeworthy.

Yes, please do. Was this spamming in relation to getting ncc into top spot in the vote, or was in relation to getting art into top spot in the vote?

Very much like the adverts for McDonalds at the moment.

One of my favourites from Reeling in the Years is the line dancing and the video recorder coming to pubs, great stuff.

Email advertising this was sent to my whole company - some guy that used to work here - I don’t know him. Gordon?

Lambo was a myth. He didn’t kill the sheep.

Before 2FM he had worked in pirate radio and became a household name after the famous “Lambo” incident in 1987. At the time, Gerry and a group of volunteers were asked by the Gay Byrne Show to survive on their wits in the wilds of Connemara. They told how they clubbed a lamb to death and ate it in order to survive – and the nation was shocked by their behaviour. But it later turned out to be an elaborate and headline-grabbing hoax.

The plot thickens.

Muldoons muldoons muldoons. Paranoia running wild in their simpleton brains.

The integrity of the contest must be upheld flano, surely you can respect this? Or are you still too busy whipping the alliance? You havent even given your customary welcome to these new recruits. Shameful stuff flango.

As I said Im not going to be giving abuse to these obvious mulliance duplicate accounts. How many of you lot are talking to yourselves at this stage?

even flanno wouldn’t be thick enough to be telling himself to fuck off sure

I thought you, if anyone, would know how difficult it was to have a duplicate account seeing as rockos caught you twice recently?

Anyways, Muldoons normally only have acess to dial up internet at home/work. There isnt the option of popping into an internet cafe next door like the alliance members probably are to open their duplicate accounts.

[quote=“dancarter”]I thought you, if anyone, would know how difficult it was to have a duplicate account seeing as rockos caught you twice recently?

Anyways, Muldoons normally only have acess to dial up internet at home/work. There isnt the option of popping into an internet cafe next door like the alliance members probably are to open their duplicate accounts.[/quote]

What is Muldoons? Whats this about duplication?

Flano your inactivity on this matter shames you, and this great contest.

= Flanno is a racist!