New to FreeKick

I’ve started an organisation called Rocko The Vote, where both Alliance and Mulliance members come together in a spirit of cooperation to encourage everyone to get out and vote.

[quote=“dancarter”]Then you are not a Muldoon.

Well there are some Muldoons on here (Bandage mainly) who think they are not Muldoons at all, that they are in fact, townies.


is Bandage not Scottish?

Anyways, Muldoons normally only have acess to dial up internet at home/work. There isnt the option of popping into an internet cafe next door like the alliance members probably are to open their duplicate accounts.[/quote]
I suppose internet mobile phones have yet to make an appearence outside the pale?:smiley:

Good to have you back Ben. You legend.

Mobile what now??

Who the fook is Flanno?

Qzack must be on here now Ben :smiley:


I like how you can crawl back after having your arse handed to you and pretend nothings happened.

Its funny really.

[quote=“myboyblue”]I like how you can crawl back after having your arse handed to you and pretend nothings happened.

Its funny really.[/quote]

Puke is a Legend.

[quote=“myboyblue”]I like how you can crawl back after having your arse handed to you and pretend nothings happened.

Its funny really.[/quote]
MBB seething again it seems:eek:

Ah corncrake, we have no axe to grind, why so stressed? I was addressing shermin.

To be fair puke did ballhop his ass out of here, fair play.

[quote=“myboyblue”]I like how you can crawl back after having your arse handed to you and pretend nothings happened.

Its funny really.[/quote]

Get up and fook!

Say what now?