New York City

Interesting listen on the peaks and troughs of a major city.


Anybody know how to check your esta status? I done one last year but I’d like some piece of mind that it’s still active. Almost certain it’s for two years but there’s nothing on the app.

Its two years. Check out the ESTA app. Easy enough use. Either put your ESTA number in, alternatively put you can input your passport details and they’ll let you know.


Thank you

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It’s for two years unless you got a new passport

I got a new passport in September time last year but almost certain I done the esta after that.

Check it so as per above

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A slight aside on the ESTA process. I was filling them out for myself, herself and the young fella a few years ago. Late at night and I was bolloxed tired so ran through them fairly quickly. Clicked submit, the two adult ones came back approved straight away but the child’s one was denied. Turns out on the checklist of questions around previous convictions, terrorism etc I ticked yes instead of no for the one on money laundering. Cue a tricky phone conversation with homeland security to prove the 15 year olds innocence…


Gas when they ask you have you been Iraq or Iran on it


Trump if he gets back in will add San Francisco to that list


I thought esta was a 5 year visa?

I have a colleague who had to go to the embassy because he was on holidays in cuba a few years back.

Always been two in my memory

Yeah thats correct i checked mine there i thought it was 5 for some reason

It’s two years and they tell you by email when it’s expiring. If you’ve gotten no email you’re grand

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Don’t share your name with a prominent republican or you’ll be rogered at 51st and Green every time


You’re steeped.
I know of a lad who was doing similar. Filling in the esta for him and his to be wife ahead of their honeymoon. Didn’t pay attention and his got rejected.
Seems he ticked yes under conviction for gunrunning or people trafficking or some section like that. Not a hope of getting it sorted in time before the honeymoon due to time of year. Tried local TDs etc. no joy. Had to cancel the honeymoon and lost a ball of money on part of it. Was able to postpone another part of the trip so all was not lost. Had to make a personal visit to the embassy as far as I know to get it resolved.
The fucking dope.

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I had to email notarised copies of his birth cert for proof of age before they would over turn it but in light of what you said definitely a very minor inconvenience.

You’d worry about the future generation