New York City

I’ll get my head examined if i make it back home.

With pre-clearance in Shannon, you could probably get it done on this side before you fly. Might save a lot of hassle.

Anyway, I’ve always liked DUMBO, Brooklyn - those bridges are fucking cool and if I lived in NYC I could walk across them every day without complaint. Stayed there a few years back with Mrs. Moth. There was something very civilised about getting up in the morning, strolling down to the local deli and picking up a few bagels and fresh cream cheese. A very different class of breakfast to what you’d find back home.

We had sushi one of the nights we were there in the Iron Chef House (on Brooklyn Heights, I think), and that was excellent as well. I don’t think we had a bad meal the entire week we were there, to be honest. Our hosts had an apartment in the area so we were well guided.

Also, check out what gigs are on when you’re there and see if you can get tickets to one that tickles your fancy. We got to see an up and coming indie band and it was terrific (from what I remember of the night).


PS. I was there around 2006 and saw Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler filming some pox of a movie. Down around this spot…

“PS I love you”. Horrible shit, the wife watched it on Netflix a few weeks ago. I dislike Gerard Butler a lot

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He’s a rotten scoth bastard… as always, you have impeccable taste.


@briantinnion I will be in NYC for the 4th of July, any recommendations of what to do or where to hit on such an occasion?

I plan on doing a couple of food tours which look class as I have seen all the touristy shit from my previous trips.

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Look up some of the bike tours. It can seem a bit lame at first but some of them are class - esp the more alternative routes. A great way to see Manhattan, Brooklyn, etc

I’m not going on a holiday to cycle a bike


As an ignorant bastard I knew from Tipp said as he sat down on an escalator “I didn’t come all the way over here (Oz) to climb steps”


Loser. Enjoy your poxy “food tours” then

Nice time to go as it will be a little bit quieter as a lot of people will get out of the city for the weekend.

Can’t recommend anything specific. It will be hot but my favourite thing to do in New York these days is go for a walk down streets I haven’t been down and drop into a bar I haven’t been to before for a cold beer. The city just energises me.

I’m sure you’ll avoid Oirish bars at all costs. Hang out below 14th Street and above FiDi and you’ll have a smashing time. You could head to Brooklyn but it can be full of gobshites.

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Should be a great holiday, one fella wants him to cycle around NYC, and the next lad wants him to randomly stroll down unknown streets and fall into whatever bar you encounter.

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That’s my favourite thing to do in NY.
Just stroll around.

Get a subway ticket.

Hop on and off at different areas. Take in the sights.

Simple as.

Who is New York City?

New York City - what is your problem?

He’s in a New York state of mind


@anon32894817 lock your doors

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@NewYorkCity have you ever been to Scotty’s diner?