New York City

Has he ever been to Grange, Co. Limerick?

Have you ever seen Me Anus?

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I’ve stopped in at a pub there and had a hugh alright.


Be afraid.

Be very afraid.

Pal of mine sent me these. Said it’s surreal how quiet it is.

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Can you send him down and see if Scotties is open? It will tip a few lads over the edge if it closes due to covid.

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I was wondering how long before a Scotty’s query

We shall overcome

I was chatting to some New York City based colleagues today. Said the city is goosed even without Covid. De Blasio has allowed it to decay. I just wonder if we’ll look back on the post 9/11 decade as the peak of western civilisation. Very sad to see.

Any direction 3 blocks of Penn Station and Times Square is no go now.

The peak of Western Civilzation was 1995.

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In what sense ?

It probably peaked in 1969. Serious diminishing marginal returns this past decade though.

Nobody on streets now after 8/9pm so it’s dodgy

Not even just there which was historically dangerous . There have been serious beatings and muggings in woke Greenwich Village this past week which shocked me.
Bring back Rudy

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CNN do a good show about each decade from the Sixties onwards, there’s no doubt that the Ninties were golden. The 00s had a bit of everything really when you think about it, more good than bad though in reality.


Was New York not an absolute shit hole then?

I’m talking about western civilisation as a whole as opposed to New York City. California was probably the place to be in 1969. Somewhere near Venice Beach.

The Nineties will be remembered as the golden era of my life anyway, college, first job, got married, first child born, bought my first house. You can’t beat nostalgia.

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