New York City

I’d say being in New York around this period was amazing.

I bloody hope Scotties is reopened anyway :pray:

Civilization peaked 98 to 9/11. Downward slide since.


The life we knew and loveded pre covid is gone forever. The freedoms and way of life will never be gotten back

Never were Don H’s words more appropriate.

I’d say 95 to 2000. We’ll never see the likes of it again

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Feet on the ground here, confirming NYC is done, the homeless and drug addicts have taken over midtown Manhattan

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It was till Rudi took over,to be fair to him he put manners on the criminal element making the city a no go area.He turned into a right cunt after 9/11 and got notions about being president. Bloomberg carried on where he left off then this absolute cunt bag DeBlasio took over and the place has gone to shit since.

Why? We just evolve and go again… That’s the nature of this world.

All cities need to be reimagined. The dirt, pollution and poverty can’t keep amassing. Covid has given us s nice reset button.


Getting palpitations watching that.

In in an awful way here watching it.

I turned it off fair quick

I doubt if I’ll sleep

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Ah ffs- I thought there was gonna be lads dropping like flies based on the comments.

No need for hard hats there

U wot mate??

They’re all dead now

Lisbon looks the same