New York City

RIP Loretta.

The omelettes were amazing.

That’s devastating news.

Murdered by Coumo

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Just another one of De Blasio’s legacies.

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Where the fuck do we check in now?

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I will update the forum if and when Scotties reopens.

Seeing that metal shutter down on the front for the first time in the 8 years I’ve lived here was a tough sight


TFK is moving downtown. I’m nominating Washington Square Diner on West 4th Street as the designated new check in location. We can all go for a pint in Wilfie & Nell after it.

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The Raven in Bath has serendipitously leapt into our consciousness. A perfect epitome of rebelliousness, oiutf sentiment and avoidance of mhq.
Fuck scottys

You’ve gone all hipster mate.2880 on Broadway is the only spot for us now


Have you tried their big salad?

I’ve eaten there. Tom’s diner of Suzanne Vega fame as well.

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Have you eaten in any other spots that went on to become famous?

Why don’t you guys set up a go fund me page if you care so much?

Loretta’s dead mate. Nothing else matters.

It’s all about the Village now lads.

New York is so 20th century.

It’s dead.

NoHo is off the hook pal. You’ve lads going to New York and going to Times Square like roasters.

This is devastating news but look none of the staff are spring chickens so we should have expected something like this to happen, obviously the virus has been the nail in the coffin but the core of the staff there were senior citizens or fast approaching it. I suppose they could sell it but would another owner from outside retain that charm that it had? Not a hope. The charm was in the old fogies working there and one of the brothers seating you and making a fuss about you.


strangely enough, I had someone contact me through linkedin last night offering me a job in Manhattan. Big salary, apartment, visa sponsorship, flexi working hours, bonus payments quarterly. Very hard not to be tempted to fuck off there for a year or two. Better than going to the middle east for the same craic anyway.