New York City

I thought you were going to say you turned it down because they wouldn’t give you a tab in Scotties or something.

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sure Scotties is closed, why the fuck would I move to New York now?


That place from when Harry met Sally.

Katz diner


@briantinnion name of that kip night club in New York that was like coppers ?? Think it began with s ??

Studio 54.

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S Club 7 it’s called


Na its closed in the past few weeks Brian will know. Known as the coppers of New York. Not far from Times Square.

The mean fiddler is the one.

Fella from Dublin owned it

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Mean Fidler is back open again, he ended up making a deal with the landlord.

The spot now is Haswell Green‘s though


I have neglected to write a full account of my trip to NYC.

Vaccines required everywhere and you’re asked to wear a mask if you’re not vaccinated. You don’t actually need a vaccine though as they are all just showing a photo of a vaccine card, no QR codes to be scanned or anything like that.

Good bit of life in the city but nowhere near pre-Great Global Reset levels. There’s loads of these temporary structures on the streets. Some are decent, some are a disgrace. My old block which is a nice tree lined street is a mess.

Edit: Blame @Rocko for the orientation of the photos.


It looks like a street in a run down Mexican City

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New York will be like Mexico City in another generation and Mexico City will be called Old York

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New York is a shithole … I’m surprised lads are still going there for leisure purposes.

A fucking shantytown. Shocking to see. Word from my NYC contacts says some fuckers tried to make them two story even. Wouldnt have happened under Rudy.

tired of new york, try buffalo: a town on the up

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Bill de Blasio is an awful prick, place is lawless because of him.