
Really? Haven’t really listened to him in the evening yet

Yeah he seems like a fairly reasonable fella. Ciara isn’t at all likeable I think might be my prejudice against the socodu accent. She was nearly crying at the plight of students in the private schools. She is so obviously positioning herself as the new George Hook Ivan Yates. Cuddihy just seems more genuine.

Cuddihy is 100% establishment ffs

More surprising he’s OIUTF so. Proves what I thought about him

Thought he was alright in his early days then he was painful enough in the morning but maybe that had more to do with being on with that fucking absolute stones of a man Shane Coleman

Where’s Leo’s old boyfriend these days?

He’s a political advisor to FG I think.

You can’t criticise the left. That’s racism and facism and you’re a monster.


Imagine someone off Newstalk taking a job as a FG advisor.:thinking:


Shane is a pain in the hole alright

He was insistent the other morning that their was no confusion with these new phases the govt had announced and everyone he spoke to felt the same. Said the opposition and media needed to grow up. A vox pop the following day not one member of the public understood the new phases… Shane was having none of it

He’s an awful dose.

I think I’d listen to Dr Ciara’s opinion before this radical feminist windbag. I’m sure she never worked a day in her life outside of ‘activism’

An anti-racist. Like most people

I wasn’t really on about her political persuasion, just what a horrible cunt she was.If you read her thread about goin on Newstalk anonymously to talk about being raped then being outed on live radio later on by the good doctor.

Intersectional feminist :grin:

6k followers :disappointed_relieved:

Can she not point out that the doctor is a cunt?

She’s trying to get poor Ciara sacked, fuck her.

How?By pointing out something she did

What the fuck are you raving about?