Next Celtic Manager

You’re a Spuds fan. You don’t know about trophy winning expectancy cos Spuds consistently shit themselves.

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FFS sake

In light of the ongoing speculation regarding the position of our football manager, Neil Lennon, the Board of Celtic Football Club wishes to make clear its continuing support for Neil and his backroom team.

The Board recognises and understands the importance of winning the league championship this season and that, as Neil himself has made clear, recent performances and results have been disappointing. The Board is committed to delivering success for Celtic supporters.

The Board has carefully considered the current circumstances and the challenges that we are faced with, not least the pressure on the management and players to deliver the tenth championship in a row that is so important to us all. Equally important is to continue to operate according to our Club’s values. The Board has come to the conclusion that our collective objective is best served by continuing to support Neil and his team as they seek solutions for those challenges.

Neil has the support of the players and staff at the Club. He understands the pressure and the environment. As his outstanding record as a manager, captain and player demonstrates, he knows what it takes to be successful at Celtic and he has delivered success with many of the current squad of players, who understand his method and approach.

Whilst it has been suggested that it is time for a change, at this stage in the season the Board believes that Neil and his management team are best placed to turn the team’s performances around and lead us on to success. The Board continues to work closely with Neil and his team to support them as they seek to do so and progress will be reviewed in the new year.

The Board wishes to take this opportunity to thank all Celtic supporters for their support during this challenging year. The response of the support to the challenges that we all face together has been magnificent. It is therefore important to make clear that the Board has never, as it has been inaccurately reported, referred to any Celtic supporter as ‘entitled’.

The Board recognises the range of views expressed by our supporters and the strength of those opinions. Whilst there may not always be agreement, there is certainly a common goal – the success of Celtic Football Club – and we will continue to work together to seek to achieve that success.

The board clearly don’t give a flying fcuk about the ten in a row, rightly or wrongly.

Is it 10 consecutive titles Glasgow Celtic are going for? I’m sure all neutrals would welcome a new winner for the sake of freshening it up and a bit of competition.

Lads here are calling for all kinds of dramatic interventions to curtail what’s apparently an unhealthy level of dominance by a Dublin team on the cusp of winning 6 in a row and is needed to seemingly save a 130 year old competition. In the same breath, some of the same lads are heralding the prospect of Glasgow Celtic not extending their almost total dominance to a 10 in a row as an absolute sporting disaster and are tacitly condoning the loutishness and criminality of scumbag supporters on the ground in Glasgow.

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Is it any coincidence that a competitive scotch league has led to a rise in the fortunes of the national team ??

Sometimes you can tell when a managers tenure has reached its natural conclusion and his position is untenable. This definitely strikes me as one of those scenarios. He’s been hanging on for 4-6 weeks now. Realistically if this were Football Manager he’d probably be very insecure for weeks.

Jesus Fucking Christ.

It’s pure madness. There’s no possible way he’ll turn this around. It’s over. Celtic must be stuck for a few quid.

Lawwell doesn’t want a manager that will challenge his authority. Celtic are debt free with a billionaire owner.

Lennon is blessed no fans are allowed in stadium he’d be getting pelters otherwise.

Is that all they’re going to do?

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Ronny Deila 2014

“When I see the tests players are doing, I see they have a lot to improve.”

“Maybe I see things differently from what Neil was doing.

“For me, to be professional is to be a 24-hour athlete. If not, then you can go and start working outside football. That’s not so hard. You can be amateurs again.”

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How did Ronnys tenure as manager go? Oh wait…

Won two league titles and a League Cup.

An was sacked/resigned.

What’s Lennon won?

Nothing this season.

Out of the CL
Out of the EL
Out of League Cup
13 points behind in the league

Outside of this season?

We’re in this season, mate.