Next Celtic Manager

Peter Bosz would be a good shout too I think.

Has plenty of big club experience and seems to be a coach who is focused on developing players. Currently out of a job.

I thought of the Deila comparison too. Proven in (even) weaker league(s), (in theory) plays a front foot, high tempo, hard pressing game where his teams look to dominate possession. As Fulvio said, Deila’s Celtic side ultimately stopped doing that because he was undermined and not fully accepted. Players got casual and lazy and a rot set in. There’s a touch of the roll of the dice about this, if it happens. You’ve alluded a few times to getting a SPL hammer thrower in to fight the huns. We should be looking beyond that. We need someone that can get his team to play but with an edge and not be soft cunts. I don’t want Derek McInnes hoof ball. That’s where (from my observation of football in the British & Irish Isles) the west coast of Scotland is different (cc @Ashman). The vitriol, bile, bigotry, institutional cheating can swallow up naive pussies like Tony Mowbray and Eddie Howe, even though they could tip away relatively successfully in some provincial English club or other.


I think the Australian national team job is bigger than any of Deila’s experience but otherwise they certainly seem very comparable.

One potential positive (from reading his Wiki) is he seemed to release all the ageing egos when he joined clubs and built them up again with younger players. That’s what we’re going to need to do, and might mean he’s better equipped to deal with a mouthy prick like Commons.

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Is he actually the guy now or is it speculative stuff that’s grown legs?

What are your sources in Siem Reap saying?

Saturday night meal with the wife in Bournemouth - selfie’s with pensioners.
Saturday night meal with the wife in Glasgow- the cast of ‘One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ screaming abuse at you.


This Ange fella smacks of a Pedro Caixinha type appointment. Hail Mary effort.
Might come off but more likely to fail miserably and be tits up in 6 months.

I’d say Howes wife pulled the plug when she saw the Rangers animals destroying the city and lawells house getting torched …it’s a cesspit…

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That isn’t my point per se . Glasgow isn’t for everyone but regardless of whether a manager “gets it” on not he still has to have the attributes to be a good manager . The likes of Neil
Lennon and Ally McCoist “got it “ but didn’t have the minerals to be a success .

Lennon won five league titles

I know and accept that but I refer to the last few years . Also at the first term Rangers were going tits up and in lower tiers . Remember he hardly tore up trees at Hibs & Bolton.

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I think it would have been one thing to get Ange had he been decided upon months ago and gone for him then as the top choice, built him up and given him time for the rebuild etc. Obviously we don’t have that option now, I genuinely think we need a blockbuster appointment to make up for this shit show and hit the ground running, whoever takes it is behind already

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Is Bob Holness still alive?

This cunt lost out on the Harry’s job to Caixinha?

I wasn’t happy with Howe. Id be happy to take a punt on Ange.

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To be fair that doesn’t mean he’s worse than Caixinha. The huns have had shit managers who have had success (McLeish etc) and good managers who have been shit (Le Guen). Caixinha was a shit manager who was shit but not everyone linked with their job at that time needs to fall into the same category I suppose.

My sources in Siem Reap have been in direct contact with the Celtic boardroom in the last 24 hours. I’ve seen the correspondence.

I think it’s speculative but it seems to make a lot of sense. The story linking him and his sudden appearance at the top of the betting market happened before the Howe news broke. Then there are the City Group links and the Harkin stuff and it all makes sense. But who knows.


Good news for The Wizard?

Potentially. Or good news for journeymen players like Andy Keogh who will now feel they have a chance to play for Celtic if the bar had dropped to Australian league level.


The worry about this calibre of appointment is that it’s abundantly clear he won’t be backed. That for me is the clear reason Howe didn’t come. He was told Ajer and Edouard are off and you’re getting fuck all to rebuild the squad with.

He’s saying fuck all. He has heat stroke.