Next Celtic Manager

Ah here :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah but Celtic would have to sign James McArthur too.

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It’s only the daily Hun, but

With the anticipated interest for Edouard, might still be able to sneak 20m for him. Not so sure Leicester is the best move for him career wise tbh

It’ll be all about the wages I’d imagine

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It says a lot about John Kennedy and Gavin Strachan that I’m not ruling out welcoming Kevin Muscat. A hateful, thuggish player who was tailor made for the Huns. But anyone would be an improvement over Strachan.


What are Muscat’s coaching credentials?

1 He’s a hateful thuggish Hun.

2 There’s nowt as zealous as a convert.

I’ve no idea. He worked with Ange at one of the A League jobs anyway I believe.

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Would love to see him in the studio nutting Boydy.


If many Celtic fans are raging at the prospect of Kennedy and Strachan being foisted on Ange then surely it’s hypocritical to want his (apparent) appointment of Muscat vetoed, even though he’s a dirty hun bastard? I see Muscat availed of one of those EBTs so some are using that as justification to rail against it. I dunno, I think you need to be all in with the new man(ager). I’d like to see a backroom team of Muscat, Craig Moore and Dr Karl Kennedy. All huns.

I have no real axe to grind with him wanting Muscat.

Muscat is a cunt though.

He needs to have his own men in and if Muscat is one of them then so be it.


I’d like to see Toadfish involved in some capacity.


Ange! Ange! Ange!

To think we could have ended up with a drip like Eddie Howe.

What is Ange’s chosen formation?

Scott McDonald getting mentioned for the coaching ticket. He left Scotland 1-2 years ago to settle back in Australia.

If anyone ever wants to witness a PR masterclass it’s the spinning of Ange, Celtic fans didn’t even know who he was a week ago and now it’s the shrewdest appointment of all time and celtic fans are clamouring for him.

He could be the right man to be fair.