Next Republic of Ireland Manager

Lee Francis Carsley

Id be delighted to see Lennon getting it. Anything to piss off the Nordies will do me fine.

belichick as a special advisor in winning with limited players. Throw money on ireland winning the 2026 world cup in the cowboy stadium now.


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Lennon be lot more box office than Carsley and proud to manage Ireland. Id take him 100%.

I won’t believe the Daily Mail but if it turns out Carsley is a turncoat bastard I’ll be the first to apologise to @BruidheanChaorthainn

You simpleton.

Deary me

Gus Poyet joins Carsley in ruling himself out.

Dela would have had Conte in situ at Abbotstown months ago.

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He’d have promised him. And we’d have ended up with Cunty Carsley.

Has the current CEO ever accomplished anything in the role?

A sponsor? Anything?

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They just said on the News at 5:30 that Neil Lennon is now the frontrunner. :roll_eyes:

Would they not do the right thing and ask big Muck McCarthy back

Has he bankrupted the association and made us a laughing stock?

Not like you to get sucked in

You realise he’s serious right?

It’s hard to know these days

Oh I’d be absolutely certain