Next Republic of Ireland Manager

That’ll be the end of @Perez2017

To be honest, its a smart move by Carsley, the job is too big for him.

We need a big man.

A big personality.

We need Big Sam.


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My only concern now is Sam might tell us to fuck off and that he’s no ones second choice.

Is it possible the FAI might have fucked this?

Christ the dirty slaphead bastard, give it to Keane quick before Lennon gets it.

Spock is the man

This guy fucks.

Klopp will be available soon.

I won’t burn my Chris Coleman docket yet.


Carsley turns down his country for a chance to maybe manage the tans

We dodged a bullet with this chancer

Listened to his Quicky Kevin podcast over the holidays. He is a lovely man. Unsure if it would translate to another country given so much of his style seemed tied up with Welshness, but anything that would bring the lovely Charlotte into the Irish football fraternity would have to be welcomed.

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Doherty will be devastated, they seem to have the same sort of character.

A nice international job might be just what Klopp needs to wind down a bit.

Didn’t @Perez2017 originally state “not a hope they’d go for Carsley” and then at some stage flip flopped on it?

Neil Lennon is of very dubious character.

I wouldn’t let him next nor near the place.

Hodgson is the man for it.

Him of Iceland defeat at England?

One game should never define a man.

I told you 2 days ago that Keane has it.

Has to be Klopp now. DOB can bail us out again and get a proper manager

The timing of the Carsley and Klopp news can’t be a coincidence

Lee Francis Carsley