Next Republic of Ireland Manager

That is disappointing.

Carsley hardly whets the appetite.

Unless Big Sam has been manoeuvreing in the wings.

Coleman being used as bait to get Carsley to accept

What a rollercoaster. This is like the epic saga where O’Leary, Giles, Troussier, Venables all went short odds before we got Trap.

Kenny’s next job will be Longford Town or Drogheda United.


If Lennon, Carsley and Coleman are out then who is there left? Keane?

YBIG says Frank De Boer.

Failing downwards, for a change.



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It’s like those few hours on March 12th, 2020 when every toilet roll, box of rice and bag of pasta in the country was stripped off supermarket shelves.

FAI Fever.

I’ve told ye before. Roy Keane. He’s great craic on the overlap. Wrighty and Jill as selectors

This is a shambles

If Poyet still wants it give it to him

It’s carsley.

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Kevin Bakhurst might be available in a few days.


All the football journalists getting badly showed up by the FAI


I’m disappointed now. We need a vibes man. Coleman could have been a vibes man. Lee Carsley is probably a lovely man but he’s not a vibes man.

You could have seen players looking forward to getting over to a Coleman camp in Dublin. A few pints, a night out and a bit of football. Carsley will want them to study tapes. We’ve never been a nation that likes that.


I’d go for big Sam

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Be gas if it was a completely left field selection now.

Someone like Roy Hodgson

That bint Kathleen McNamee was on Pat Kenny this morning saying they should put John O’Shea in as interim manager as it looks like Barry may be available as soon as Tuchel is sacked at Bayern….

What a bunch of absolute cunts that crew are…


I would have high hopes for Bosun Lawal myself. Will be starting for Ireland within 12 months in my opinion.

His next job will be flogging second hand motors for some dodgy garage on the Naas Road.

Could be awkward scenes when he has to serve Brian Kerr down at Motor Factors on a Friday afternoon.

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