Next Republic of Ireland Manager

Russell Brand Kiss GIF by David

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Sam, Sam, Sam…

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Doesnt look consensual

Why not?

Anybody who has watched shels can see he knows how to set up a team

And the Newstalks would have a healthy fear of him.

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Who’s fridge?

Is Duff not doing it for nothing? He did the Rovers U15’s for nothing anyway I think.

Bradley surely on £100k - £150k @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Anyhow its now Duff or bust for me.

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Shamrock are going to win the league on autopilot. The job should be given to Bradley in the short term. He’s better qualified than O’Shea or Barry. He’s won four leagues in a row ffs, selling out the leagues biggest ground.

It seems to me that the FAI’s PROCESS has collapsed. They’ve ruled out the people who were seemingly in the number 2/3/4 slots but the number 1 choice, who is clearly Carsley, doesn’t want it.

We’re looking at Duff or John O’Shea or some Ronny Deila type appointment out of nowhere.

Just give it to Lennon and be done. He wants it and he has better credentials than any other candidate.

I see talk on a rival forum that the FAI are hoping to persuade Anthony Barry to take it. Why would he? Why would we? He’s going to the Euros. Even in the event he took the job, which he won’t, he won’t take it until after the Euros. And he’d be away the first half decent offer from the Championship he gets. There’s a Michael Beale quality to him in that he seems to jump jobs very quickly. He may also have a load of burner INTERNET accounts bigging himself up.


Nobody from the LOI is ever going to get it again.


Speaking of Michael Beale, he’s at a loose end…

He’s like a less qualified version of Spock. He was fairly shit at Rovers until Dundalk and Cork fell apart and they’ve won by default since with by far the best run club and highest budget in the league while continuing to be shit in Europe


Stephen Bradley is nearly as awkward in front of a camera as Stephen Kenny.

Seems like a nice chap but christ he’d be way out of his depth.

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GIF by Christmas FM

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John O’Shea, take a bow son


Interim only…

What a shitshow



Steve Bruce