Next Republic of Ireland Manager

They said the process is over but won’t announce it till April :smile::smile::smile:

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I like O’Shea, he’s a good guy, solid, dependable. And with McCarthy from Palace in to help out, we’ll be okay. O’Shea isn’t the right fit but the FAI are just buying time until the permanent appointment takes place in April. And what if he does a great job for the two games, great.

Be an honour to have a La carrington graduate in charge of Ireland.

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It’s the process of trying to appoint a new manager that I’m referring to as a shitshow; Spock was a dead duck last June and the FAI have had 9 months now to sort out a permanent successor; the feelers should have been put out long before Spock left the building. After a few months of leaks, we are left with an interim solution. Serious incompetence.

I wish JOS and his staff well in his interim role


O’Shea seems like the archetypal nice chap who’s not cut out for management. He’s bounced around a few places as first team coach with lame duck managers, most recently Spock with Ireland & Rooney at Birmingham.

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Type of fella who did the leaving cert before going abroad so as not to disappoint his mother

My thoughts exactly, can’t see him being any use

He’s a grand chap. Ferrybank lad so the likes of @Locke will be claiming him if he is a success. Always went to the Waterford games in the Munster championship on the St Saviours bus which was a heavy drinking crew.


Delaney left the FAI in some shite.

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Is ferrybank a rough spot or fairly middle of the road?

Ferrybank would be very middle of the road. Never remember any trouble over there.

My favourite John O’Shea memory is from Cheltenham in 2010. He was on the lash with Stephen Hunt in 21 Club, the Tuesday night of Cheltenham. Hunt was playing for Hull at the time. Phil Brown had been sacked and Iain Dowie was announced as his replacement, temporary basis I think. Hunt absolutely hated Dowie and O’Shea took pleasure in making sure the few hundred people around them knew this so Hunt was getting slagged and jeered by a bunch of drunk racegoers. Hunt was seething. O’Shea was hopping around like a giddy school kid. Maybe you had to be there…


Sheasy will be grand. If he recalls what I have told him on occasions I have met him on nights out we will win both games handily enough.

I’m almost certain this was a 12:45 kick off. I remember listening to it on today fm.

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy @padjo


@Mac is having a breakdown today it seems

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Cool story bro


John O’Shea should just have the clip of himself nutmegging Figo playing on a loop in the dressing room. Vibes and all that


They come down every year to Na Piarsaigh for an U10 tournament. They are the finest.

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