Next Republic of Ireland Manager

Bring Rafa home.

Is Reidy available?

King Kenny was gutted when his £30million bid was rejected.

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Carsley, Warnock, Allardyce and Moyes
Remember to pick one who’ll agree to live here
Who once managed the Sunderland boys

Tell him to make me a Castore shirt
(On the side of a hill, in the deep forest green)
Pardew, Coleman, and Poyet and Bruce
(Tracing a shamrock on snow-crested ground)
Without no players nor teamwork
(Blankets and bedclothes to the FAI please)
Then they’ll be a true love of mine
(Sleeps unaware of the FAI’s call)

Tell him to find me an acre of land
(Beside an Airport, near a motorway’s side)
Carsley, Sbragia, McCarthy and Keane
(Washes my Opel jersey with silvery tears)
Between Italia '90 and loss to Luxembourg
(An Ireland fan cleans and polishes a gun)
To our next major finals there’s infinite time

Tell them to kick it with a boot of the leather
(Green hordes baying in shoeless battalions)
Pardew, Mowbray, Advocaat, and Reid
(Managers order their players to stick it in the fucking mixer)
And finish it all with the touch of a feather
(And to fight for a cause they’ve long ago forgotten)
Then that manager will be a true love of mine

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Carsley, Beale, Di Canio, and Hughes
Remember to find me a manager there
And they will be a true love of mine

There’s our man, exuding pure fucking sex appeal, Beatrice has fucking only gone and wet herself at the sight of the man



Beatrice stayed on well up the hill to finish 4th in the Stayer’s Hurdle


She’d eat an apple through a letterbox.

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An ounce of (in)breeding is worth a tonne of feeding


Christ he’s one boring bastard. Pick a crisp flavour Dan.


Sami Smodics has thrown Spock under the bus today anyway. Spock claimed he pulled out of a squad for personal reasons. Sami says he was available but Spock wanted other players

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She went to the dentist to get her teeth out and he said ‘they’re out far enough already’


Good. Carsley never wanted to be here. Gus does.

Safe to say Carsley is a hun bastard

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Better off without him


And Sky on board as the new sponsor, what happened to Revolut?

Delaney threw more the kind of parties the Russian lads liked

I’ve always said we need a greater Uruguayan influence in our football. They just get football

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Klopp won a Champions League bypassing midfield and Ireland have to play backwards and sidewaus because of a few lads on the radio.


Uruguay is to association football as Wales is to rugby as Tyrone is to Gaelic football as Stoke is to darts. It just matters more.

I can’t believe Gus is going to get the ireland job just because he praised our fans and said they looked great in their tracksuits :grinning: I suppose it’s the natural culmination of all those type articles based around anyone remotely famous saying anything remotely positive about Ireland.