Non-Irish Murders

Do you mean a whole life tariff?

It would have saved her life surely?

There is no evidence that pedophiles who abuse children can be rehabilitated, chemical castration maybe. They appear to be wired like that from birth, the only difference is between those who can control their urges and those who cannot. One who abuses a child once simply cannot be trusted to walk free in society.

The most dangerous individuals are the combination of psychopaths and pedophiles, it would keep you awake at night. They are smart enough to fool therapists into believing they are rehabilitated, not alone are they not they are virtually assured to reoffend and most likely escalate their crimes.

It’s a sexual preference for them as disgusting as it seems and there is no altering that in them than there is us being sexually attracted to a fit woman in her mid 20s. Paedophiles once discovered should be put away for life as they will always be a risk to children or done away with but what can you do.

Look, and I am making this point clear for the last time in semi polite terms, I have zero interest in your view on anything. Stop addressing me. Apart from anything else, the spectacle is pathetic.

Back in 1995, as regards Whiting?

What is your fuckin’ problem? You are butting in on a civil and interesting discussion about an extremely difficult topic.

What childish right versus left point are you trying to make? No one cares, except possibly the circle jerk of right wingers to which you have attached yourself. And no point, in any case, because you have never had a non clichéd thought in your life.

Some of us can think. Hence people who cannot think trying to butt in.

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You are one thick cunt all jokes aside, that coming from you of all people. Jesus wept. “Butting in” get a grip it’s a forum expect people to do that at every turn.

If he was on a chain gang breaking rocks in 40 degree heat or somesuch, then I may agree with you.

However, couzens will now have many years of something that Sarah everard won’t have: a life

Some people are just so evil and malignant rather than putting the state to huge expenses feeding, clothing, caring and securing this type of humour, they should just be excised from humanity and a 9mmdelivered to the nape of the necks

May I remind you that you are the stupid cunt who supposedly had me on ignore and still can’t help yourself.


His ego is so big he cannot stand the thought that others are allowed opinions. What he would dearly love is to have the forum to himself so he could bestow the common people with his wisdom and thousands would come flocking to read it.

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It’s hard to disagree with any of that.

But it’s complex.

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Look, fuck off back into your inanities.

Besides, what sort of a “thick cunt” looks for attention from someone he purports to consider such an entity?

The reality is that gobdaws like you hang on my every word.

Well, that stuff is a point of view. I just happen not to agree with it.

I think this is the first time we’ve ever agreed

Maybe. You are one of the reasonable OUITFers.

I’d clarify and say I’m all for harsh sentences for violent crime, but the death penalty leaves no room for sentences being overturned should new evidence emerge, as it often does. There’s no doubt that there are innocent people in jail and, in places where the death penalty exists, innocent people have been executed


fair enough

it is complex, undoubtedly. but when its a slam dunk of evilness such as this then id even prefer the american system for couzens as he may feel a scintilla of the level of terror that his victim did when he was sentenced.

these kind of murderers throve on the fear of their victims, why not put them in fear of their life after conviction?

Nailed it. No going back.

However the easy life prison is now is no justice either. Certain classes of crimes should involve pointless manual labour, cool hand like style. Enough to tire and piss them off for a few years, might even dissuade re offending.

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