Non-Irish Murders

Amazing footage of it all.

Poor girl

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Those words would melt granite.

Terrible things happen every day but this case, I think, is the most unnerving one I have ever read about.

That piece of evil should never see daylight again.

He’s just got life with no parole

I saw that, thanks.

Quite right. He is evil personified.

We should think of his wife and children but most of all think of the Everard family, whose dignity has been beyond tears.

And now somewhat the same scenario is there with the tragic death of Sabina Nessa. Evil people…

Hard to watch that. Driven 80 miles. Imagine the terror as she realised.

Her poor parents.

For now. I hope the creature has the remaining life he deserves, but we live in an age where they were seriously considering releasing the Yorkshire ripper.
I hope someone wanks in every dinner the fucker eats for the rest of his days.


What he did should earn a bit of justice in prison I hope. Sitting around eating three square meals a day isn’t it.

Welcome back mate.

Lethal injection and save the tax payer money.

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switch oxygen for daylight and youre right

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That would come to mind alright.

hell have all the sex he ever wished for in prison, whether he likes it or not

So very well written. Absolutely gut wrenching.

Is there an Irish equivalent of “whole life”?
Her parents/family will never get over the murder
Awful stuff

I do not believe in the death penalty, even for this kind of evil depravity. Besides, death would be too quick a release for him. Unless he commits suicide, he will likely be incarcerated for 30 plus years. Waking to the thought of that reality, each and every day, will be his true punishment.

I do believe the sentence typically given to some crimes is far too light. Roy Whiting, another instance of evil personified, abducted and sexually assaulted a nine year old girl in 1995. He pleaded guilty and received a four year sentence. He could have received a life sentence, which is what should have happened. Anyone who commits that kind of crime should be locked up until the passage of time nullifies their sex drive.

Whiting, then 36, should have served 25 to 30 years. Instead he was released in November 1997, after refusing to engage with a rehabilitation programme. We all know what he did in July 2000.

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I never thought of that. You’re right, the coldness and planning that went into it would make you think he’d done it before. Although was he sloppy at the end of the day taking a person off a city street? Even though she voluntarily entered his car. Maybe that was a bit novicey, who knows. I’m sure they’ll be trying to retrospectively pin other abductions of women on him in the future.

He will get what’s coming to him in prison. They don’t like policemen in there or rapists so he is in a nice sweet spot there.

It’ll be isolation in his cell 23 hours a day, I’d imagine.

An hours exercise out in the yard then, where he’d be watched like a hawk to prevent any attacks.

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There is no bigger scandal than an utter animal being released from prison relatively early and committing another heinous crime.

Rather than viewing a death sentence from the point of view of ‘an eye for an eye’, it’s simply a security measure. Get rid of the problem.

I do not agree with the death penalty on principle. Besides, Whiting would not have received a death penalty in 1995, even if one had been still on statute. A life sentence would have gone a long way towards saving Sarah Payne’s life.


Quelle surprise.