Non-Irish Murders

Watched the Netflix doc on the submarine killer Peter Madsen, the staff working with him were thick as shit as it’s clear to see from only a bit of film footage he is off his head. The random piece by him at the end relating to psychopaths before the killing was a massive red flag.

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This seems to be a harrowing case. Accused doesn’t look like a multiple baby killer for all that’s worth.

This is some fucked up shit.

How many people would really have an issue if someone guilty of those crimes got a long slow painful death as punishment. Murdering premature babies :man_shrugging:

My brother texted me the very same thing yesterday.

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I suspect unfortunately, that the evidence against her is all circumstantial.

I spoke to a nurse on this. She’d worked NICU in a big American city. I asked her how could someone do this. A trained nurse. It baffled me. I expected her to say as much. She did, but she also quantified it by saying sometimes you just dont know. She didnt know the details of this case obviously. But you dont know what they’ve seen. Children being born to drug addicts, battered wives, murderer fathers. The absolute worst of the worst of humanity. The child born already infected with any number of diseases and many drug addicted from birth. My friend said she had to get out, it was eating at her soul. She didnt condone it, but she said these places, the things you see. It doesnt leave you in a good place regarding humanity unfortunately.

I’ve always said it, it takes a special person to be a care worker, nurse, first responder. I wouldnt be able for it. To see what they see, and still not be affected. To be able to handle those things, and go home and act like a regular family member, father, mother, etc. They have my utmost respect.


They’ve had her in custody for nearly 2 years so I’d imagine they have plenty to nail her.

We’ll find out anyhow.

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They were on about her case last night on bbc news it made my blood boil. The lowest of the low.

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The defence will be interesting.

Nicola Furlong’s killer is due for release next month.

She was the Wexford lass who was killed by some American prick over in Japan after a Nicki Minage (sp ??) concert 10 years ago.

Her mother gave a very moving interview to Prime Time last night. The poor woman will never get over it

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Horrendous story. Thats fuck all time.

He would have got out earlier if he had shown remorse

Was he a dancer in the show or something?

Don’t think so but could be wrong.

Nicola and her friend met 2 pricks after the concert. Went for drinks with them. Had their drinks spiked.

4 of them got taxi back to hotel. Both girls unconscious.

Lads put girls into wheelchairs and wheeled them to bedrooms.

Nicola’s pal was sexually assaulted while Nicola was murdered.


Last nights Prime Time might jog your memory. Should be on the Player

How was the cunt released so early?

I didnt see full Prime Time report but i gather 10 years is maximum sentence in Japan and he actually would have got out sooner if he showed remorse

He was 19 when he killed her and below 20 is considered “non adult” or something along those lines in Japan. So 10 years was the max sentence. If I recall correctly, he was a dancer in a show alright, maybe not the Nicki Minaj show though.

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The Nicola Furlong memorial in Wexford.

Andrew Furlong

The second Lad is out now and back in America.

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