Non-Irish Murders

Beautiful memorial tbf.


I never realised that he completely defamed her in court too about drugs and rough sex etc. How is that in you at 19 let alone any age.

The disappearance of Nicola Bulley seems very strange.

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I thought it looked like she fell into the river ?

an awful lot of media coverage for something so straightforward. either the cops havent a clue or theyre trying to make the person of interest make a mistake


Missing White Girl Syndrome?

@flattythehurdler will tell us what the news is on the ground.

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Natalie Holloway

Nobody knows. I’d reckon she’s in the river. Whether she fell or was helped, :person_shrugging:.

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The fact that her dog wasn’t wet might indicate foul play. But her body must be in the river either way. They just have to find it.

The plot thickens…

It’s obvious what’s happened here. There’ll be no body pulled out of that river.


Plenty of reading here if interested…

“underwater forensics expert” :joy::joy:
Bet he/she posts here.


Possibly @Juhniallio .

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She’s legged it?

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There’s been more about this expert in the the UK media the last few days than the girl who’s missing. Mad country. I believe there are loads new of ‘experts’ on TikTok also who’ve learned their trade listening to podcasts. It’s a wonder they haven’t got to the bottom of it yet.

I’d have the above fella as the chief suspect if anything untoward happened here. An absolute oddball.


Who the expert on diving is it?

Yeah. Looked at an interview there. Spoofer.