Non-Irish Murders

The popo say they have ‘no idea’ where the burglar rumors came from.

roses are red, violets are glorious but dont try and surprise Oscar Pistorious.

There have been reports of domestic violence at this address in the past. Pistorious will swing for this, the length of rope to be determined later.

His burglar excuse is prosthetic.

Hope this doesn’t lead to retaliatory amput-hate crimes throughout South Africa.

apparently it was all due to a horrible misunderstanding: she told him that she wanted to be taken out on valentines

Bang, bang he shot me down

Police are opposing bail, said he has a history of running

Pistorious’s lawyer claims he was metal-knee unstable when he fired the fatal shots.

If he lies his way off the murder charge in court he’ll deserve an Oscar.

Bandage is really going out on a limb here with his crippling humour.

the story is gaining legs now

[B]Oscar Pistorius[/B] ‏[S]@[/S][B]OscarPistorius[/B]
Nothing like getting home to hear the washing machine on and thinking its an intruder to go into full combat recon mode into the pantry! waa


blade gunner


I think The Bangles “Walk like an Egyptian” is more apt Sidney

I think it captures all the essential ingredients of this St. Valentine’s Day massacre - guns, roses, spurned love and murder. The only thing that could improve it would be if the drummer from Def Leppard was playing on it.

apparently his brother, ray, has previous for surprise sex

A few more (speculative) details about this from the Sunday papers in South Africa.

Apparently a bloodied cricket bat was found in the house and her skull was crushed. One would presume that might have happened prior to any shooting. He also seems to have called at least 3 people after shooting her.

[article=]The mystery over South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius’s role in the killing of the model Reeva Steenkamp has deepened amid a series of claims and counter-claims about what happened at his home in Pretoria last week.

South African newspapers reported a series of details about the case, citing “sources close to the investigation”, although the police denied the information had come from them.

A police spokeswoman could not explain how the claims had emerged but did not deny them. “We are not commenting on anything in the newspapers today as the case is still before the court,” she said on Sunday. “They are insinuating they got the information from the police.”

Medupe Simasiku, of the national prosecuting authority, said the leaks did not necessarily affect the court case as “the evidence [published] might be wrong”.

South Africa’s well-respected City Press newspaper reported that a bloodied cricket bat found at Pistorius’s home was the central piece of evidence against him. Citing sources close to the investigation, the paper said Steenkamp’s skull was crushed and police requested that Pistorius undergo drug tests.

City Press also reported that Pistorius called his father soon after 3.20am on Thursday and asked him to come to the house. When the family arrived, Pistorius was allegedly carrying Steenkamp, who was wearing a nightdress, down the stairs. The paper added that all sources had dismissed the theory that Pistorius mistook Steenkamp for a burglar.

The Sunday Independent published an interview with an unnamed “friend” who claimed Pistorius called her in the early hours of Thursday morning. When she arrived at Pistorius’s home, he was apparently carrying Steenkamp down the stairs.

The friend said she and Pistorius tried to help Steenkamp but she was pronounced dead by paramedics who arrived shortly afterwards.

eNews Channel Africa presented a narrative in which CCTV footage showed that Steenkamp arrived at the house at 6pm on Wednesday. It said neighbours claimed they heard arguments, and investigators believed the couple were together in bed at one point.

It was thought that Steenkamp moved to the bathroom and was shot through the door, possibly at close range, the channel reported. Pistorius picked up her body and carried her downstairs. He called a family member but not the police, who were alerted instead by neighbours.

Pistorius, who last year became the first double amputee to compete against able-bodied athletes in the Olympics, remains in custody after being charged with murder.

He is due to apply for bail at a court hearing in Pretoria on Tuesday, the same day that Steenkamp is set to be cremated at a private service.

Her father, Barry Steenkamp, told Britain’s Mail on Sunday that the family was struggling to come to terms with the death, but added: “There is no hatred in our hearts.”

He said of Pistorius: “He must be going through things that we don’t know about. We ask the Lord every day to help us find a reason why this should happen to Reeva. She was the most beautiful, kind girl in the world.”

Pistorius’s father, Henke, said he had “zero doubt” that Steenkamp’s death was a tragic accident. He told the Sunday Telegraph in the UK: “When you are a sportsman, you act even more on instinct. It’s instinct – things happen and that’s what you do.”

A close friend of Oscar Pistorius told how the athlete phoned him moments after Steenkamp was shot. “Oscar called me at 3.55am saying that Reeva had been shot,” Justin Divaris told the Sunday People. "I said to him: ‘What are you talking about? I don’t understand you.’ He then repeated himself: ‘There has been a terrible accident, I shot Reeva.’

“Next thing his neighbour picked up the phone and told me it was true and told me to get to Oscar’s home. I was in total shock. I asked the neighbour: ‘Is she OK?’ Did the gun go off by accident?’ She replied: ‘No. She’s not OK. You need to get here.’”[/article]

looks like the cricket bat will stump pistorious’ bail

This story keeps running.

From the Indo

OSCAR Pistorius will reportedly be tested for steroids after the banned drug was found at the home where he is accused of murdering his model girlfriend.
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Also in this section
The Paralympic superstar (26) is accused of murdering his model girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp (29) in the early hours of Valentine’s Day.
Police asked for blood taken from Mr Pistorius to be tested for steroids, according to reports in the South African City Press today.
It is understood the move was made in anticipation that the Pistorius defence team might claim he acted in “roid rage” – an aggressive condition associated with taking large doses of performance-enhancing drugs.
There was no immediate comment from police of the reported discovery of steroids.
The mother of Ms Steenkamp has said she is desperate for answers about why her daughter was killed.
June Steenkamp cried as she described the loss of “the most beautiful person who ever lived” following a “horrendous death”.
“She loved like no one else could love. She had so much of herself to give and now all of it is gone. Just like that, she is gone. In the blink of an eye and a single breath, the most beautiful person who ever lived is no longer here,” she told South Africa’s Times newspaper.
“All we have is this horrendous death to deal with, to get to grips with. All we want are answers, answers as to why this had to happen, why our beautiful daughter had to die like this.”
The law student (29) was shot in the head, hand, hip and arm in a gated compound outside Pretoria where the Paralympian lives.
He was arrested shortly afterwards. He is reported to have claimed he shot Miss Steenkamp thinking she was an intruder but he faces a charge of premeditated murder.
Mrs Steenkamp said her daughter was “so proud of being a South African”. “She loved this country and all its people. This was the only place she called home,” she told The Times.
Tomorrow, she will be buried near her home in Port Elizabeth following an “intimate” family funeral.
Mr Pistorius will appear before Pretoria Magistrates Court for a bail hearing also tomorrow, and he is expected to make a short statement.