Not another Trump thread, zzzzz

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I’m surprised that someone who cherishes the sanctity of marriage would support a serial adulterer or someone who has been married multiple times.

He was comparing him to @Nembo_Kid yesterday.

Is Trump asexual?

I haven’t been following this?

Who compared me to who?

You’re better off out of it mate, your talents are needed elsewhere.

This sentence is superfluous text to avoid an empty post.

Fuck up, Geoff.


Trump is a legend… You should be honoured, pal.

There are at least 85 Sharia courts in the UK (from a 2009 report so likely much higher now) that are allowed operate in flagrant violation of the European Court of Human Rights. Again double standards, one is not allowed to criticize Islam (as that’s racist, even though its not), but women being treated as the property of men is fine because it’s their right to believe this. Hilarious hypocrisy.

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There’s actually no point discussing US politics with you as you haven’t a clue.
Traditional American values have nothing to do with race you absolute clown, there is no country in the world with fewer barriers to economic success than the US, regardless of background, race included. In fact there are enormous benefits to being a member of minority, in terms of placement in universities, scholarships, etc. Traditional American values involve giving everyone a fair chance regardless of race or ethnicity, and helping minorities where possible. How the fuck do you think Obama went from a relatively poor background to studying at Harvard and becoming US president?
The failed economic policies you refer to are equally due to Democrats and Republicans. The large corporations own all politicians (its the same in Europe by the way).
Europe more prosperous than the US? You’re having a laugh right? >20% unemployment in southern Europe, 10% in northern Europe.

Sharia law has no legal standing in the UK, pal. I don’t know how I can make things any clearer.

Shouting “you haven’t a clue” and calling me “an absolute clown” doesn’t win a debate, pal.

Writing a lengthy rant in which you completely failed to engage with anything I wrote in the post you quoted is pretty pointless. It’s not debate. Obviously, neither is this post, but what’s sauce for the goose and all that.

You have your own, brainwashed views, I have mine. Mine are obviously more in touch with reality, but keep firing ahead by all means with yours if they make you happy.

@anon7035031 probably thinks Hughie McElvanney actually did reverse ballhop the RTE sting operation


You’re the guy who started the name calling pal, but you’re right there is no point debating with people hopelessly entrenched in extreme political views, left or right.

Read back. You’re the one that brought “insane”, “lunatic lefty” and “deluded” into the argument. And like a typical US right-winger you fly off the handle like Bill O’Reilly and Hannity when you get a bit back.

You haven’t once pointed out anything in my political views that’s extreme, and I somehow doubt you’ll be able to do so, although I invite you to do so.

You’ve very well articulated at least one of your own extreme political views, ie. that “there’s an argument to be made that Islam should be outlawed”. Not even Trump is advocating that. Imagine that, to be to the right of Donald Trump, and still claiming not to be extreme.

Now there’s deluded for you.

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@The_Most_Infamous called it here weeks ago - The Don is a Clinton plant. This campaign has been pure comedy gold and is possibly the greatest wum of all time.

The GOP can still possibly win next November if the Don is seen off early in the primaries. If he runs as an independent the GOP are goosed.

Clearly you are not well versed in the intricacies of online debating. Specifically the distinction between attacking a post and attacking a poster. There is nothing wrong for example with calling ideas “insane, lunatic, or deluded”, it is after all an opinion on ideas. Calling a poster a “bitch” or a “dope” however is name calling and the sign of a beaten docket.

There is nothing extreme about calling for a ban on all hate speech, and being consistent regardless of the source of the hate speech.

Trump has been pure box office. He’s brought that frisson of excitement to the race in the way that only a candidate who you can genuinely imagine starting starting a World War as President can.

He suggested the possibility, i confirmed it. When irlt emerges i want all credit due, and a nice post award.

Make up your mind.
If you think the GOP can win this election, your even battier than I thought you were.