Not another Trump thread, zzzzz

Are you???

But is the notion that sharia law be enforced worldwide an objective derived from islam or just the vehicle used for imperialism into europe. Indonesia, Bangladesh, albania, bosnia and plenty more countries have long been majority muslim without any seemingly strong desire towards sharia. I think this is just an age old conflict between the middle east and europe, with islam providing a blueprint for the domination the arab world wants to see. The lunatic left love branding any encroachment there as a new cruasade, but what triggered the original cruasade? It was middle eastern (Islamic almost coincidentally) armies marching as far as vienna. But the left would never dare brand that as what it was, an invasion. No point arguing with glas. He still refuses to condemn ISIS or offer any suggestions as to how to combat them. Remember when he pretended he had one ffs. People like him didnt care about the atrocities ISIS were carrying out before this year, but once there was a western element they could the roll out the justification that the west deserved it. Its clear a strict adherence to fundamentalist doctine is entirely incompatible with western society, but its still a minority, in the west at least. When the funds for poison spreading imams dry up as the oil does hopefully reason will win out.

You have to believe people are inherently decent and just want to get on with their own lives and take care of their families. The vaccum of unhappiness the radical schools thrive in in europe can surely be addressed. Not through the joke of multiculturalism by the way, but by including them all in their new societies.

It all stems from a time he sat beside a black man in a sports bar in new york. He was nervous at first, choosing any words carefully, afraid to say anything that might be deemed offensive and result in an ass whupping, afraid to even clear his throat, but the guy he sat beside was entirely decent, asked him who he was rooting for in the game on the tv nearby, heard his accent, and asked him did he support man utd, that he did himself and loved ronaldo. The man then asked for his check and left. From this glas was changed forever, those racist jokes he’d uneasily laughed at were moments of never ending shame, all those popular culture preconceptions about black people were wrong. They were sound, decent, he knew one for fucks sake! The fact this gentleman engaged him in conversation and didnt stab or kill him as he feared sitting down meant he was one of them now, far more enlightened than other irish people who had never shared such a cultural experience. He was going to point out to all those braindead white people the error of their ways.

The language of condemnation and calling others evil is the language of idiocy, the language of wilfully refusing to try and understand why things happen, and the language of perpetual failure to solve conflict. It’s the language of useless politicians, the language of the dumb.

You’ve haven’t condemned Assad as evil. Given that his forces have killed six times as many people as ISIS, I don’t know what that makes you*.

Have you condemned Saudi Arabia? Aren’t they the ones spreading all this Wahhabism? What’s the difference between them and ISIS? What about Al-Nusra? Aren’t they the West’s allies?

*It doesn’t make you anything.

He was quite clear about what he meant and is now backpedalling furiously.

How about the following things happen?
i) Existing laws are used to curb hate speech.
ii) Increase spending on counter-terrorism intelligence and increase co-operatio between countries.
iii) Impose economic sanctions on those who trade with ISIS, ie. “our gallant allies” Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.
iv) “Gallant ally” Turkey stops bombing the Kurds.

Seems a damn sight more sensible than the strategy that’s being followed.

[quote=“maroonandwhite, post:199, topic:21533”]In a way, is this conflict not actually performing a service that would otherwise be impossible, weeding out the violent psychotic islamists by getting them to go to ISIS. It would be an impossible task otherwise if they remained in their countries as small cells.
But sure I thought they were all coming here from Syria? :smile:

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Yes, we don’t allow it. So what exactly is your problem, then?

You’re really backpedalling furiously here. You made quite clear what you meant. We can read.

If you’re now saying that you wrote something you didn’t mean, well, you shouldn’t have written it, then. And don’t try and use “subtlety” when you’re so plainly incapable of using it.

Awful to see sports and politics getting mixed up again today. I’d be loathe to criticise a venerable institution like the Royal & Ancient but I am very disappointed with them here.

The R&A has “privately decided” that Turnberry Golf Club in Scotland – owned by US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump – will be removed from the British Open rota.

A report in the Independent on Sunday says that the governing body of the British Open has decided to distance itself from Trump after the string of controversial remarks he has made in his campaign.
In June Mr Trump called Mexican immigrants “rapists” and called for a wall to be built along the United States-Mexico border.

And his recent comments about banning all Muslims from entering the US looks to have been the final straw.

Trump purchased Turnberry in 2014, rebranding it Trump Turnberry. The club’s Ailsa course has hosted the British Open on four occasions, most recently in 2009, when Stewart Cink defeated Tom Watson in a playoff. Earlier this year, Trump announced a plan to make significant changes to the golf course, most notably changing the ninth hole to a par 3 featuring the property’s lighthouse.

This is not the first time Trump’s political stances have potentially cost him an event. Trump and the PGA of America “mutually agreed” not to host this year’s PGA Grand Slam of Golf at Trump National Los Angeles following his initial comments on Mexican immigration. Trump said the move would give him an opportunity to renovate the golf course. The event was ultimately cancelled.

Last Friday, the PGA Tour released a statement that it will consider moving the WGC-Cadillac Championship away from Trump Doral, which has hosted a Tour event every year since 1962.
Turnberry most recently hosted the RICOH Women’s British Open this past summer, with LPGA head Mike Whan stating shortly before the tournament that he would prefer the event not be played there, but that the LPGA was logistically unable to move the championship with so little time.
Trump himself was present at the event.

Current major championships still scheduled for Trump golf courses include the 2017 U.S. Women’s Open and 2022 PGA Championship at Trump National Bedminster in New Jersey and the 2017 Senior PGA at Trump National Washington.

Last week Trump’s name and image disappeared from a Dubai golf and housing development.
The Damac Properties’ Akoya development had included Trump’s name on a wall at the entrance but the letters were seen lying in the sand at the foot of the wall on Friday.

A billboard showing Trump golfing as well as a picture of his daughter Ivanka had also been taken down.

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Yes, of course Trump isn’t a racist, he just uses the stirring up of race hatred as the central plank of his campaign, and gets a poll boost every time he does so.

Those poll boosts are obviously coming from ethnic minorities. :unamused:

Your mixing me up with the hard right there pal. I advocated your suggestions weeks ago. We need a worldwide patriot act basically, plus measures to address why the youth of Europe are joining them up. As for the middle east, put muslim boots on the ground to tackle them, backed with whatever they need. Establish a kurdish state, have to leave assad well enough alone for the time being.

Sad, but inevitable, cat got your tongue @ChocolateMice @Gman

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A worldwide act legitimising the use of torture is the last thing we need.


Quite possible. There’ll be a neat symmetry to it all if its a repeat of 1992 and he does a Ross Perot as a 3rd candidate. That will ensure a Miss Rodham victory.

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I agree. Your point being

Trump is a hero

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The great majority of muslims, when polled, want sharia law enacted as the state law. The countries you listed along with nominally democratic north African countries, all have sharia family law at a minimum.

As always the old racist card get thrown on the table as if it were a trump. You have no idea what you are talking about. Ireland sadly appears to be heading the same way as the US, basically if you are white you are a racist, just for being white.

Why is this so hard for people like you to understand. Muslim does not imply race, to be a Muslim means you are a follower of Islam. If I decided to adopt the Islamic faith tomorrow, I would become a Muslim. Just as if I adopted Judaism I would become a Jew. To be opposed to Islam or Judaism does not make one a racist, as we are not talking about races. It’s so simple to be obvious except to the oblivious.

Trump is appealing to traditional American values (albeit very crudely), work hard and get rewarded, respect the law, respect the constitution. Unfortunately, due to the hollowing out of the American middle class, these concepts mean little to a significant portion of the population. Its a hard problem to fix, but the fix is economic not social. Wouldn’t expect someone living in a country benefitting enormously from America largesse to understand that.

You may be able to read, but your comprehension levels are at the same level as Glas. It is impossible to ban ideas, thus to interpret “banning Islam” as trying to ban individual religious beliefs is moronic. However, we can ban bad ideas becoming public policy. The UK allows sharia family law, an absolutely insane capitulation, but unsurprising given the weak kneed political class there. There should be no accommodation of Islamic beliefs into western societies, period. Unless we want to go back to pre-enlightenment days.

@glasagusban why do you hate women so much?

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