Not another Trump thread, zzzzz

bad hijab, coming soon to a theater near you…

Top Trumps.

Go noe

Leave the puns to me. You’re great at throwing the old cliched labels around. But when you make obviously preposterous statements and get called out on them you moan like a bitch.

It’s clear from your second sentence here who the person that doesn’t know what they’re talking about is. Have a lie down in a dark room, if you’re able to tolerate the dark bit. And try not to panic so much.

We all know exactly what it implies. Except you.

That’s comprehension, my friend, comprehension.

Respecting the constitution :smile:

Like imposing a ban on immigration against all people of a certain religion, bringing back torture. He wants to drive a coach and horses through the constitution, you numpty.

Respect the law :laughing:

He’s against gun control - guns, as you might be aware, kill 13,000 people every year in the US, compared to the 14 which have been killed this year by Islamists. Given those figures, you might forgive me for thinking something needed to be done far more urgently about tackling gun crime rather than Muslim immigration, but I guess “I know nothing”.

We also know what “traditional American values” mean - the thinly veiled association of virtue with whiteness and sloth with non-whiteness. The Republicans have been preaching this nonsense since the Southern Strategy in the 1960s and Trump is exactly the same - a thinly veiled appeal to base white prejudice that “your country is being taken over” by people of different skin colour. He’s a classic establishment insider claiming to be an outsider. Again, if you had any comprehension, my friend, I wouldn’t need to explain this.

The hollowing out of the American middle class is a result of the failed, trickle down, increase inequality at all costs, right-wing nonsense that you clearly approve of. Funny how most of Europe, for all its faults, is still more economically successful and prosperous than the US due to traditionally adopting broadly centre-left (ish) economic policies.

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Sharia law has no legal standing in the UK, you dope.

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So where do we stand?

Tom Brady: Donald Trump is a good friend, and I support my friends @ChocolateMice RESPOND

Trump is a hero. I support him 100%.

Well said.

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I’m surprised that someone who cherishes the sanctity of marriage would support a serial adulterer or someone who has been married multiple times.

He was comparing him to @Nembo_Kid yesterday.

Is Trump asexual?

I haven’t been following this?

Who compared me to who?

You’re better off out of it mate, your talents are needed elsewhere.

This sentence is superfluous text to avoid an empty post.

Fuck up, Geoff.


Trump is a legend… You should be honoured, pal.

There are at least 85 Sharia courts in the UK (from a 2009 report so likely much higher now) that are allowed operate in flagrant violation of the European Court of Human Rights. Again double standards, one is not allowed to criticize Islam (as that’s racist, even though its not), but women being treated as the property of men is fine because it’s their right to believe this. Hilarious hypocrisy.

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