Not another Trump thread, zzzzz

Itā€™s another lame attempt by the liberal media to have a go at Trump because they are scared that he will actually take votes from Hillary

Whereā€™s the jokes on this?

What is Trumpā€™s pitch to the centre going to be? The ā€˜fuck em allā€™ approach plays ok on the fringes and with the politically engaged base. But at some point heā€™ll have to elaborate on economic policy. What will he tie his colours to? Anti-free trade rhetoric isnā€™t going to persuade either republican or democratic centrists. Tax slashing talk wonā€™t fly if Clinton presses him on the numbers, and the same Republicans the base are rejecting have been spinning that stuff for an eternity anyway.

The reality is he has no distinct economic vision at all. And if heā€™s pushed to provide one he wonā€™t have anything new to say. Isolationism would resonate but itā€™s hard to square that with the Muslim-baiting, ā€œIā€™ll beat ISISā€ talk.

At some point heā€™s going to have to take substantive policy positions. He wonā€™t get away with talking about his cock during debates the whole way through the presidential campaign.

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That process is only starting now?

Given that his campaign has leant heavily on race-baiting itā€™s fair game.

Yes timmy its all the "lame liberal media"fault not trumps if only theyā€™d stop making shit up

Shes always been a tit to be fair but if its her or trump even moderate republicans might vote for her or just stay home which would be a disaster for the GOP as the Dems might take back the senate

The problem you have is you are talking sense.
Remember 50 % of Americans do not have passports. The southern states have waited for years for a candidate like this.
Trump can afford to take a more moderate central view on issues such as the economy when he gets the nomination. On that basis he can afford to keep a fairly radical right wing view on matters such as foreign policy, immigration etc.

Lol, Trump is the only one being attacked whilst the genuine right wing evangelical who hates gays is being left alone by the same people.

Trump is a genius. He has smashed the nomination process.

The more of these videos, the better it is for him in winning the nomination.

Watch him run to the centre then and with Hillary likely going to jail, running all the way up to the White House

All of the above is possible i wont disagree

Thats not the issue. The issue is who id the ā€œevangelicalā€ who hates gays going to vote for

They are voting for Cruz

When theyre given a choice between Trump and Clinton, who will they vote for?

Cruz isnā€™t the front-runner. Why would they attack an also-ran and leave the crazy front-runner alone? That wouldnā€™t make any sense.

What on earth is your point?

They may well stay at home as we all know Trump isnā€™t one. Ted Cruz is like Netanyahu, a freakshow of a father who has taught him all his best tricks

You realise who is in second place donā€™t you and is the one who will be the nominee if Trump isnā€™t? Rubio is a busted flush.

Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Newt Grinrich, Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain- all as immune as Ted Cruz?

The media know that Trump is the gamechanger. It doesnā€™t matter how hard they go at him though, you canā€™t stump the Trump.

If anyone stumps him it wont be the media,it will be the head honchos in the GOP

Yes exactly. Heā€™s in second. What youā€™re proposing is that when an attacker is though on goal the defender should veer off and take out his support runner.

I can see trumps airplane taking a nose dive some of these days,does he have any body doubles