Nothing Great about Britain

Itā€™s almost like the Brexit ad is directly modelled on it.

Sue Ellen is a fucking headcase.


Outstanding thread

I see your point. But gary isnā€™t saying anything remotely brave. If he wanted to be brave he might mention the fact that these refugees are the victims of successive british and american governments warmongering

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Given that pretty much the entirety of the right-wing headbanger British media and social media industrial headbanger complex are piling on him and calling for his sacking, what Lineker said does seem like something which takes a modicum of bravery to say and stand by.

It shouldnā€™t have to, but it does.

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Blackford and his bombast was decent value for a while - this lad is a snarky, sarky hoor which is a nice change. Not that sarcasm would move their needle either, rotten nest of cunts that they are.

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Heā€™ll be grand

You didnā€™t address the point. The fact that what Lineker said is considered to be in any way newsworthy at all is proof that the English right wing media and political complex is long since gone off its head on anti-refugee and anti-immigrant hatred. Thatā€™s also what happened in 1930s Germany.

Itā€™s actually a miracle that in the face of all this bullshit, English liberalism in the most basic sense of the phrase is still so vibrant a force.

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Partially agree, mate.

But the Bill stinks and the way theyā€™re selling it needs to be called out for what it is.

For that Gary does enough imo

Shur you just said it yourself, no-one is giving you a hard time. Gary just tweeted something quite popular, goodish for him.

Any limits on migration is akin to1930s Germany?

Whatā€™s that a still from, people fleeing a world war? Are the lads in dinghys crossing from France fleeing some war there I havenā€™t heard about?

Claiming Billions are coming isnā€™t crazy manipulative propaganda?

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Who claimed billions are coming?


Iā€™ll take your word for it. Iā€™d guess she was alluding to thereā€™s an enormous amount of people thatd like to live in Britain but that they canā€™t house the world. Nor should they be expected to, nor is it akin to1930s Germany. A slogan thrown out there to cow people into accepting immigration without regard to the benefit of a nation


Itā€™s propaganda & clearly intended to play on peopleā€™s irrational fears.

Her government are trying to play the ā€œ look over there card ā€œ to hide their own policy failings.

Immigration is always a major problem during economic lulls but never mentioned in boom times.

The Tories are cunts


Immigration beyond a countries wishes or capacity to take them is not an irrational fear. Itā€™s actually happening. Anytime immigration is questioned itā€™s the same bullshit thrown out by you saying its other government policies that are causing this, look over there. Thatā€™s complete nonsense. If they had better policies, current immigration would stil be an issue for people. Resources are not unlimited no matter who is in power. Your game assumes Labour will get in (and they willincrease immigration/loosen rules) and with their better polices, everything wil be happy clappy and people will have no issue with it. Itā€™s nonsense.


What game? Whoā€™s game?

Are you feeling ok

Ffs itā€™s pointless conversing with you. Your game, a proxy for your argument, your opinion, your pov, your framing etc etc. Go to bed and throw out your inanitiies and waste someone elses e-time