Nothing Great about Britain

The Tory government since 2010 have been the most useless and malevolent shower of cunts Britain has ever seen. I can only imagine the guffawing back in 2010 had I predicted the absolute shite they would go on to make of things.

When useless right wing cunts make a shite of everything, they ramp up the hate against refugees and immigrants to 11, because they have absolutely nothing else, they have nothing positive whatsoever to advertise about themselves or justify why they should not be routed down to 2 seats at the next election.

The Tories have suicided their country with their insanity, the fucking headbangers.

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It is when the fertility rate is way below the rate needed to sustain your population in the absence of immigration, as it is in the UK, and as it is everywhere in Europe. It’s a completely irrational fear.

There are other ways to solve a very long term trend of fertility rates than open border unlimited migration.

Ceaucescu tried that.

It’s a desperate attempt by the Tories to retain the red wall. They won the red wall and the brexit vote due to racism. I’m sorry to say that’s the way they are going again. These boats don’t have any bearing on these people’s lives. Their lives are shit because of various Tory governments. At least previous Tory governments have been horrible but contained intelligent people. These are thick as fuck


The irony is your average dyed in the wool Brexiter in the red wall will abandon the Tories because they’re led by Sunak, a man of colour who is trying to use hatred against people of colour to benefit himself, as do the likes of Braverman, Patel and Badenoch.

All your average “Oh I like Boris” red waller sees when he sees Sunak, Braverman and Patel is they’re brown.

What a fucking absurd political suicide.


But that only happened because they ran out of people. Liz Truss was the last throw of the dice and that went well. I’ll give them credit for finding so many racist offspring of immigrants

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They’ll have to create an artificial intelligence hologram called Sir Boris Winston Bulldog the Fifth who walks purposefully with a hunch and chomps on a cigar and has a ridiculous blonde hairstyle and wears a top hat over it and shouts “oooohhhh yesssss” like that computer generated dog that was used to sell insurance. And install it as leader.


Maybe @Enrique is interested?

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Yep. In a nutshell.

I can agree with both tweeters in this instance.

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I’d say Paloma would barely hand it back

I’d barely hand it over.

I’m just wondering if any of the people who are now telling Gary Lineker to shut up or calling for his sacking were calling for such when in April 2017 he wrote a two word tweet “Bin Corbyn”.

I suspect not.

It’s remarkable how this whole manufactured “controversy” over a tweet by Gary Lineker has shown up this right wing “pro-free speech” grift for the total fraud it is and was.

When tyranny arrived, it cloaked itself in the clothes of “free speech”.

The right wing headbangers are no longer even pretending they ever gave a fuck about “free speech”.

Former fancy woman of Boris Johnson and right-wing media outlet bingo player weighs in:

Writer/ broadcaster. Ex Dep Ed The Spectator. Columnist The Spectator, The Mail, The Telegraph Commentator




Pronouns genius/mastermind


He’s a good guy, he only broke her nose once.


You’d have to ask what did she learn from the process?