Nothing Great about Britain

I don’t think the views of one other public figure have been as deliberately and malevolently misrepresented by others over the years as John Barnes.

This should make it fairly clear where he stands.

Inevitable outcome

The cunts are now trying to mount pressure on commentators and especially production staff, who are more vulnerable than pundits, who all played in the Premier League era and are financially secure.

Be interesting to see will the public tune out in sufficient numbers now to really drive it home to the cunts in charge.

I’d suggested Murphy and he came back with Mills. Universally despised in there I believe

The real pressure should be put on the Premier League itself. The Premier League now risks being tarred as being in alliance with racism if it does not intervene.

Obviously there are all sorts of contradictions with that given the Premier League saw fit to allow despotic regimes to buy major clubs, but if the Premier League as an entity becomes associated with being on the side of racist dehumanisation of refugees it has a major problem. This is something that could be quite easily picked up in US media and the US is the market the Premier League has its eye on most of all.

You’d imagine that at minimum it could mean that Premier League rights make a return to ITV at the earliest possible opportunity.



Do we think Hank McCheeseburger watching his beloved Spurs gives a shit about this given he won’t have seen Match of the Day in his life?

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Cool the jets Sid


Hank McCheeseburger might not. But corporate contagion can spread easily. Match Of The Day is still the way a hell of a lot of people consume the Premier League. It has the most historical cachet of any broadcast associated with the Premier League. So it is a Premier League product, arguably its most high profile one still. The behaviour of the BBC top brass has consequences for the Premier League through this. If Match Of The Day becomes tainted as a scab programme and a culture war vehicle for right-wing racist organisations who now make a public point of watching it because Lineker has been removed, that’s a problem for the Premier League. Bad publicity for an entity regarding racism has a habit of spreading into public consciousness, because there are organisations who will make it spread, and will be quite happy to make it spread internationally. And they would be right to do so. If as an entity such as the Premier League you are perceived to have a problem regarding racism in the US you then have a big problem, and you won’t have the right wing Republican nutcases to defend you either, because they don’t care about sawker.

So if I was Mr. Premier League Chief Executive, I’d be having a word with the BBC.

I’m not sure McBennett would sanction that lest the BBC poach any of the much sought after RTE talent.

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It’s a fair leap to manage to bring the Republican party into this conversation Sid. You seem to have gone done a rabbit hole in the last few days, might be a good idea to have a time out.

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You might think it’s a leap and that’s fair enough. All I’m saying is that if the most famous programme in British sports broadcasting - probably all of British television history - becomes tainted as the favourite broadcast of the nutty wing of the Tory party (which is most of it at this stage) and UKIP etc. - and it’s not hard to see how it might, because the nutty Tory and UKIP brigade will openly celebrate Lineker’s suspension in a sort of “we’ve got our beloved British institution back from the loony left” sloganeering way - that’s a problem for the Premier League. Because Match Of The Day is a Premier League product.

You don’t want your most famous broadcast becoming the tool of the English far right.

Do you? I don’t think so, because the rest of the world might notice.

This side of the world notices what happens in, say, the NFL with issues regarding racism. There’s no reason to say the other side of the pond won’t notice what happens over on this side.

They’re never too far away

The day we start holding that against a fella the world is truly gone mad


Jenas has ruled himself out as well

He’s guilty of it on TFK despite being unmarried and cos two footix said so :man_shrugging:t2:

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We are far more obsessed with what happens in the US than they are with us. Most Americans have no clue nor interest in what happens outside of the US in my experience. I work for an American company and half them think Ireland is in the UK, that’s how much knowledge or interest they have in what happens here. I wouldn’t disagree about the far right in the UK using this situation as a battlefield alright. I suspect the BBC will have to row back on this pretty quickly given the reaction of most fair minded to this today but that country is fucked so who knows.

Again, all I’m saying is that the Premier League has a problem if its most famous broadcast becomes a culture war lightning rod and suddenly becomes a pariah among British people of colour and/or a liberal/left persuasion and suddenly becomes celebrated by people like these chaps below, purely because the BBC has suspended (sacked) Lineker.

George issuing a “come and get me” plea.