Nothing Great about Britain

Youā€™d be some sort of wanker to break that picket lineā€¦but its a bit of a crock. When some nobody of a camera man on a gantry makes a stand heā€™ll deserve the backing of the british isles

What a beautiful mess for the tories. And the irony is that gary is a natural tory

The cons have brazened through worse than this. The public sector strikes remain to be resolved

Saw this on the INTERNET


But this was the last throw of the dice. This is a different breed. Idiots one and all

Bbc would have tremendous gonads on them if they hired nigel and boris, or tony blair to present motd. Itā€™d be box office

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On Newsnight tonight there was a chap called Brendan Clarke-Smith, Tory MP for Bassetlaw, one of the archetypal red wall constituencies.

Clarke-Smith defended Lineker being removed (sacked) by the BBC.

Hereā€™s Brendan Clarke-Smith comparing footballers taking a knee against racism to a performing a Nazi salute.

The Tories are fucking absurd and rotten and Britain cannot be rid of them soon enough.

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Of course no surprise to see Liverpool Football Club taking the lead on this.


No fear of Martin Johnson supporting his fellow Leicester man by boycotting BBC for the rugby tomorrow Iā€™d say.

Eddie Butler would have.

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This is right up their street. Fight on immigration rather than the abaurd amounts of corruption exposed lately

Bollox. Nagoya Grampus Eight, Leicester, Crystal Palace, Arsenal, Blackburn and Newcastle have taken the lead on this. Saying Liverpool have taken the lead is like saying klopp saying pool and cityā€™s dominance has come to an end. Utter fantasy

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A special club



New MOTD format revealed


I post this with nothing but love but youā€™re genuinely an absolute crackpot. You embody the best type of conspiracy theorist, far right weirdo. The one that smugly thinks heā€™s seeing things weā€™ll never see. Ooooooohhhhhhhh nuance. Freak.


No mate, you have it all wrong. You see nobody was banned on Twitter, there were no lockdowns, no vaccine mandates, nobody lost their jobs nor their businesses, the vaccine stopped transmission, everyone had the same risk from Covid, there was no censorship, Russians planted the Humter Biden laptop (in the repair shop where he signed it over), theres no evidence for a lab leak (other than a grant proposal to build the exact same virus and test it in Wuhan), etc.

If you question any of that youā€™re a far right weirdo, and apparently can miraculously see things that most people canā€™t see.

Itā€™s fascinating to watch.


Anyway hereā€™s my 2 cents on Gary Linekar. He should absolutely not be censored or punished for his personal opinions. If he were claiming to speak on behalf of the BBC then different issue as an employer can stipulate employees are non political when on air. If he canā€™t criticize the government or government policy in a private capacity, then there is no free speech.

Iā€™d imagine the BBC will back down.