Nothing Great about Britain

This is tremendous fun

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BBC turning to someone they know who has no morals and will do anything for money

Like the mentallers on here, absolutely oblivious to how stupid they are.

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I love the way the knee jerk ‘if the wokies are for it I’m against it’ crew have been shown up a bit by this. Almost anyone with a brain is on lineker’s side in this one but Ewan and a few dunderheads don’t even think before tweeting.
That beardy lad seems to be a bit of a stupid cunt.

Ewan is wrong on everything

Ill have to re-evaluate my views on dublin bogball and rugby


Can confirm

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Unfortunately I agree with this. Obviously there is a massive public backlash against the BBC, but the aim of the Tories is effectively to destroy the BBC. So Richard Sharp is doing his job perfectly as far as the Tories are concerned.

Nobody should be deluded enough to think the Tory stooges weren’t installed at the BBC to create exactly this sort of situation.

The Tories themselves are also delighted, because the only hope they have of remaining in power is to turn politics exclusively into a kulturkampf bunfight and to remove consciousness of real politics.

Radical far right politics and kleptocracy has to do that because it has nothing to real to offer real people.

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In some respects they’re stupid but in others they very much aren’t. Your average Tory red wall MP is thick as shit (just look at Lee Anderson, Brendan Clarke-Smith, and that lad who was done for sex abuse).

But the Tories are the entire ruling class of Britain. Kleptocracy isn’t stupid. It hasn’t kept itself in power for almost the entirety of modern Britain’s existence by being stupid.

Fair play to Alex Scott. Significantly more vulnerable than any of the others.

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I’ve posted this here before but I used always think they couldn’t be as thick as they look they must surely have a bit about them. But actually, they are just thick. Look at the likes of Liz Truss, a complete simpleton.


They’ll have to be paid off too, the cunts.

On any objective, normal person’s level the likes of Truss, Raab, Leadsom, Dorries, Braverman etc are thick on an intellectual level.

But they are also zealots, radical nihilists. There is an entire spectrum of kleptocracy behind them.

They are not stupid in terms of achieving the nihilism they want. They want to burn Britain down and turn into a “libertarian” paradise for kleptocrats and disinformation, a state where public services and institutions of immense intrinsic value such as the BBC and the NHS are destroyed. They’ve already been largely successful in that.

Crisis management 101

It’s sad that it takes the right-wing cancelling of a beloved public figure who is objectively correct in what he says to get people to vaguely cop on to what’s happening.

The “wokies” tend to be objectively correct on pretty much everything. But the rest of what the “wokies” say doesn’t centre around threats to a celebrity, it centres around threats to real people, vulnerable people.

So a lot of people choose to dismiss it.

Celebrity culture matters. But the Lineker story isn’t just a story about a celebrity, it’s a story that carries massive ramifications for free speech and the future of journalism and public service broadcasting and the future of politics and public debate and basic compassion in Britain.

Sometimes stories about celebrities matter on a much wider level. The Amber Heard trial and the way celebrity worship and online mob behaviour was used to distort justice and reward an essentially frivolous lawsuit by an out of control wife beater was another very good example.

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I think this is a very naive take on the part of Daniel Taylor.

Last night I was comparing the decision to sack Lineker to the decision by those football clubs to announce they were forming a European Super League.

The public backlash is similar alright.

But I think the comparison falls down, because whatever you say about the people that controlled Real Madrid, Barcelona, Juventus, Liverpool, Manchester United, “Manchester City” and Chelsea etc., they weren’t actually intent on destroying the clubs they control, they were trying to increase the amount of money coming into them and thus make more money for themselves personally.

The minions installed at the BBC by the Tories, especially Richard Sharp, Robbie Gibb and Tim Davie, are there as wreckers.

They are not there to make the BBC better, they’re there to corrupt it and destroy it, to burn it down from the inside.

So things are going swimmingly as far as they are concerned.

That should be the strong presumption, anyway.

They’re not. They’re there to promote the current tory brand which happens to be hatred, fear, bigotry and selfishness in no particular order, but without the low tax and small state. It’s irrelevant at this stage as they’re flogging a rotting horse

They’re there to promote the current Tory brand and to destroy the BBC. They plan to destroy the BBC by creating an extreme climate of fear, thereby neutering journalism and free speech, running it down as institution, and creating attacks on it from all sides., so that trust in the BBC is destroyed from all sides and the BBC is no longer seen as something of value worth saving.

Tories will attack it and try to run it down anyway. The idea is to get the attacks coming on it from the left too, “why should I pay my licence fee to an organisation with a Tory bias?” etc. etc. This is basic divide and conquer.

The idea of the BBC is an amazing one. It is of the utmost intrinsic value to Britain as a country and indeed the world and it has to be protected because one it is run down and destroyed it isn’t coming back. Protecting it means rooting out the wing radical right Tory minions that are trying to destroy it from the inside.

It’s very possible the BBC may never again cover football after this. Do you think the likes of Richard Sharp and Robbie Gibb give a fuck about that?

If Lineker is not reinstated, do you understand the climate of fear that creates? And how that completely benefits the Tories?

This is a massive battle with massive ramifications for the future of journalism and public service broadcasting. In its own way it’s as important as the miners’ strike because whoever wins the battle will win the war. The Tories are more prepared to dig in, and the public forgets quickly, so it’s likely the Tories will win this battle, and the war.

A far right conspiracy rabbit hole. That’s what it is.

It’s absolutely hilarious how the far right are trying to make out Le Tissier was hard done by. At the time Le Tissier was let go by Sky, he was already fully down the far right conspiracy hole. It’s obvious that’s why he was let go by them.

It was the other fellas who were let go, Phil Thompson and Charlie Nicholas etc. who were hard done by. They were only let go because Sky was trying to hide the fact it was getting rid of Le Tissier for his Gemma O’Doherty like views. Sky should have just come straight out and said they were sacking Le Tissier because he had become a total mentalist and you can’t have total mentalists on air.

Lineker made a serious political point which was on the money. Even if somebody doesn’t agree with it, there’s no way it can be construed as not being fair comment.

What Le Tissier comes out with is QAnon level stuff.

Anybody who tries to draw a mendacious comparison between the two is advocating for people to dispense with any semblance of a brain or critical judgement on anything that is ever said, anywhere, ever.

What did Lineker actually say?